ITDP Sustainable Transport Summit, June , Budapest, Hungary Global Freight Distribution and City Logistics: A Complex Interface Jean-Paul Rodrigue Professor, Dept. of Global Studies & Geography, Hofstra University, New York, USA
City logistics concerns freight IN the city and freight AND the city Transportation (Freight IN the City) Strategies to insure urban freight distribution (city logistics) Land Use (Freight AND the City) distribution The city as a unit of production, consumption and distribution
City logistics remains about trucks circulating on urban roads and having parking difficulties City Logistics Modes Infrastructures Operations Trucks/vans Alternative modes Roads Distributions centers Terminals Scheduling Routing Parking Loading / Unloading Alternative infrastructure Modal Shift? Infrastructure Load Shift? OperationalImprovements?
City logistics has a long tradition… of being ignored (“planning cargo cult”)
Global freight flows are articulated by a few gateway cities 39 Gateway Regions 90% of the World’s Freight Transport Pearl River Delta: 16.7%
The core of the global / local interface
Cities and logistics performance: limited comparative framework