Lesson Essential Question: How does each layer of the atmosphere benefit the Earth? 1.What is altitude? 2.Which place has a higher altitude?
Lesson Essential Question: How does each layer of the atmosphere benefit the Earth? 1.When you decrease altitude, what happens to pressure? 2.Lower density of the air is caused by __________ pressure.
3 Go over bellringer Complete part 2 of the atmosphere graphic organizer Vocab Previewing Watch the Atmosphere video Work in groups to complete notes on the different layers of the atmosphere. Use the Atmosphere Interactive Foldable to record notes on each layer of the atmosphere.
Tropo means “turning” or “changing”. Contains most of the atmosphere’s mass. The weather forms here. Planes, balloons, and birds fly here.
Strato means “layer” or “spread out”. Contains the ozone layer.
Ozone = a form of oxygen that contains three oxygen atoms in each molecule instead of two. Ozone converts the sun’s energy to heat, warming the Earth. Protects Earth from dangerous ultraviolet rays.
Meso means “middle”. Protects Earth’s surface from being hit by meteoroids and other material from space by burning them up upon reentry.
Thermo means “heat”. Hottest layer because sunlight strikes it first. Extends into space, no outer limit. Broken into two sub layers: ionosphere and exosphere.
Energy from the sun causes gas molecules to become electrically charged particles called ions. These ions strike atoms in our atmosphere causing the atoms to glow.
The outermost layer of the thermosphere. Extends into space. Satellites orbit in this layer.
Sunday, March 20, 2016 Atmosphere Quiz for A Groups – Tuesday Atmosphere Quiz for B Groups - Wednesday
12 1.Walk around the room. When your teacher prompts you, stop moving and freeze. 2.Whomever you are standing next to, share something you learned today about the layers of the atmosphere with them. 3.You cannot repeat the same idea.