I John 5: I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.
14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. I John 5:13 -15
15 And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of him. I John 5:13 -15
Blessed Assurance I John 5:
Important Question: Will I be saved or lost?
Abundant Evidence “We know…” We know what a Christian is –I John 5:1- 5 We know what a Christian is –I John 5:1- 5 We know who Jesus is – I John 5:6 -13 We know who Jesus is – I John 5:6 -13 We know how to pray with confidence – I John 5: We know how to pray with confidence – I John 5: We know how a Christian acts – I John 5: We know how a Christian acts – I John 5: We know the truth – I John 5: We know the truth – I John 5:
More Specifically “We know…” I John 5:2 I John 5:2 I John 5:15 I John 5:15 I John 5: I John 5: I John 5:13 I John 5:13
Are you saved ? I don’t know I don’t know I hope so I hope so I won’t know until the judgment day I won’t know until the judgment day It depends It depends I think so I think so I don’t feel like it I don’t feel like it
Once saved always saved Never really sure you’re saved Christian Security Aristotle “Perfection is the golden mean.”
Spiritual Russian Roulette LostSaved
Personal Inventory What direction is my life headed? Am I walking in the light? What direction is my life headed? Am I walking in the light? Do I acknowledge the sin in my life and own up to my failures? Do I acknowledge the sin in my life and own up to my failures? Can I honestly characterize my life as obedient? Can I honestly characterize my life as obedient? Do I live to help my brothers and sisters? Do I truly love? Do I live to help my brothers and sisters? Do I truly love?
Where do things fall in my list of priorities? Where do things fall in my list of priorities? Do I acknowledge Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, in all that I say and do? Do I acknowledge Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, in all that I say and do? Do I abide in the apostolic teaching? Do I abide in the apostolic teaching? Can I and others see the influence of God’s Spirit in my life? Can I and others see the influence of God’s Spirit in my life? Do I practice sin or do I practice righteousness? Do I practice sin or do I practice righteousness?
We deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us if… We claim to be without sinI John 1:8,10 We claim to be without sinI John 1:8,10 We walk in the darknessI John 1:6 We walk in the darknessI John 1:6 We do not do what He commandedI John 2:4 We do not do what He commandedI John 2:4 We hate our brothersI John 2:9,11 We hate our brothersI John 2:9,11 We love the worldI John 2:15 We love the worldI John 2:15 We deny Jesus is the MessiahI John 2:22 We deny Jesus is the MessiahI John 2:22 We [deliberately] keep on sinningI John 3:6,9 We [deliberately] keep on sinningI John 3:6,9
We do not love I John 3:14 We do not love I John 3:14 We have material possessions but do not share with those in need I John 3:17 We have material possessions but do not share with those in need I John 3:17 We claim that Jesus did not come in the flesh I John 4:3 We claim that Jesus did not come in the flesh I John 4:3 The world listens to us I John 4:5 The world listens to us I John 4:5 We deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us if…
Assurances I John 5 God has given Christians eternal life, and that life is found in Jesus Christ. (5:11,12) God has given Christians eternal life, and that life is found in Jesus Christ. (5:11,12) We place our confidence in eternal life. (5:13) We place our confidence in eternal life. (5:13) God hears our prayers. (5:15) God hears our prayers. (5:15) When Christians pray for God to forgive Christians of mistakes that they have made, God will forgive. (5:16,17) When Christians pray for God to forgive Christians of mistakes that they have made, God will forgive. (5:16,17)
Conclusion John 3:16 John 3:16 John 6:37 John 6:37 John 10: John 10: II Corinthians 1: II Corinthians 1: Romans 8:1; Romans 8:1;