Habeas Corpus An order requiring a person to appear in court. Latin: “have the body”
E Pluribus Unum Latin: “Out of many, one” Motto of the US. On our money. $$$$
Bona Fide - real Literally means “in good faith.” “Is that a bona fide tattoo?”
Nemesis An opponent (or thing) that someone fights against. Synonym: archenemy “Nemesis” in Greek mythology:
Faux Pas (FO – Paw) A slip in ettiquette An embarrassing mistake in public. French: “false step.” Think of stumbling down the stairs. That would be an embarrassing mistake in public.
Carpe Diem Latin for “seize the day.” Make the most of your short amount of time on this earth! Live life to the fullest! Don’t hold back!
Aficionado A fan who knows a lot about the subject Usually people use this fancy word on things like cigars, wine, etc. Spanish: aficionar – to create affection. An aficionado has a lot of affection for whatever it is they love.
Verbatim Latin: “Word for word.” When a quote appears in the exact words the speaker used. Antonym: paraphrase
Déjà Vu The illusion that you’ve experienced something before… even though you haven’t. Happens when your brain plays a trick on you. French: “seen before”
C’est La Vie! French for: “Such is life!” Like saying, “That’s life, bro. I’m sorry.”