TUESDAY, AUGUST 28 TH & WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29TH DAILY AGENDA SSR Term Definitions Visual: Drawing and Supporting Inferences “Where I’m From” and Discussion MVP from Poem Journal/List Closing Journal
DEFINITIONS Inference: The act of coming to a logical conclusion based on the text. Ex: Because the author mentions her mother several times, I can infer that their relationship had a major impact on the writer. Mood: The feeling a reader gets from reading a poem/story/article. Ex: Peaceful, hopeful, suspenseful, etc. Tone: The author’s attitude toward a subject. Sarcastic, accusing, complaining, gentle, nostalgic, etc.
Diction: word choice Organization: the structure or arrangement of words, phrases, paragraphs Point of View: the angle from which the story is told First person, second person, etc. Adjective: A descriptive word Ex: Warm, brown, cool, tired, young
Anaphora : The repetition of a word or phrase Ex: MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech Imagery: any descriptive language that helps the reader hear, see, smell Pronoun: A word used to replace a noun Instead of saying, “Ms. Bell,” saying “she.”
WHERE I’M FROM BY GEORGE ELLA LYONS As we read, consider the terms we discussed. Where does the poet use strong diction? Imagery? Anaphora? What do you notice about the things she lists? How might the poem be different if the poet had written “she” rather than using the first person pronoun? What inferences can you draw about setting, characters, experiences, wealth, etc. Support your inferences with evidence.
WHERE I’M FROM MVP An MVP is the Most Valuable Point It could be the most valuable point in a discussion, piece of writing, or new information Ask yourself: What do I MOST need to remember? What did I learn that I didn’t know before? What was the most important part of our discussion? From our discussion over “Where I’m From” by George Ella Lyon, what do you think was the MVP? Write it down in your notebook.
WHIP IT!.... Quickly go around the table and say exactly what you wrote. Don’t share any more or any less than what you wrote. If someone says your MVP, still read yours to the group. When you’re finished, sit silently and wait for further instruction.
JOURNAL/LIST Make a list of things you remember from your earliest childhood memories and work your way up to today. Try to list things or items and not people Ex: Broken swing set, things people said, items in your home, gifts, characteristics of people you love
SHARE WITH A PARTNER Turn to the person sitting next to you and share one or two of your earliest memories. Tell them the story behind the object you chose.
CLOSING JOURNAL What does George Ella Lyons do that you would like to emulate (imitate) in your own writing?