By Loay hammad 6c
Keith Haring was born on may 4, 1958, he was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, he was also raised in nearby Kutztown, Pennsylvania. He started drawing at a very early age and he developed a love for drawing.
Keith Haring learned basic cartooning skills from his father and from the a famous culture around him, such as Dr.Seuss and Walt Disney. Keith Haring did the cartoon and stick figures. When he finished he produced his art in his organization.
Keith haring was inspired by Dr.Seuss and Walt Disney because they where drawing stick figures at the time so he was inspired by Walt Disney Mickey mouse figures.
Strong man human and wails BFF
His work appeal to most people because they are stick figures but it says a lot about it self by colors and shape the figures where in. They don’t appeal to some people because it is not appropriate to younger viewers.
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