Membership Recruitment, Retention... Is There More?
District 7570 DTTS 2014 Rotary International Goals Promote membership diversity Improve member recruitment and retention
District 7570 DTTS 2014 To ‘LIGHT UP’ Rotary... THEN WE MUST SHARE ROTARY! Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development All of our local projects
District 7570 DTTS 2014 What’s Your Role? Make sure we have a strong membership committee with representation from all areas who will serve as advocates to assist clubs Recognize that “one size does NOT fit all” Change the conversation – Membership is more than recruitment and retention. It should also be ENGAGEMENT.
District 7570 DTTS 2014 Support Our Clubs Encourage clubs to have an active membership committee Encourage clubs to set goals – and report on goals - that focus on recruitment, retention, and engagement Encourage clubs to use the resources that are available through Rotary – the websites, the Membership Committee, the AGs, the District leadership, other clubs in your Area and in the District
District 7570 DTTS 2014 Use your Membership Committee member as a resource for your clubs Monitor your clubs’ membership and respond If your clubs are growing, recognize them. Share their ‘best practices’ with other clubs in your area. If your clubs are declining, determine what support they may need from the Membership Committee, from you, or from the District. Support Our Clubs
District 7570 DTTS 2014 Available Resources Membership Committee (“Course Materials”)
District 7570 DTTS 2014 Contact Laurie S. Moran, CCE President Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce PO Box 99 Blairs, VA