2007 UW-Madison Student Computing Survey Report Brian Rust and Mary Evansen November 16, 2007
Student Methodology Surveys developed by us for SITI and DoIT Used Revision of previous years’ surveys Random sample of 1,246 students (undergrads, graduates, and specials); 29% response; approximate 5% margin of error Samples invited via in February, 2007
Respondents 356 student respondents – 29% response rate Age range: –36% years old –33% years old –35% years old 70% live off-campus
Ownership Comparison
Internet Access
WiscMail use
Sharing NetID and Passwords
Most Popular Technologies
Over 83% have used it Over 77% had “positive” to “very positive” experience with it Only 5% “negative” to “very negative” Mean satisfaction of 3.91
Student Satisfaction with Technology Resources Overall 91% said they were “satisfied” to “very satisfied” with IT resources
Top IT Service Choices
Student Summary Laptop ownership up 85% of students own some type of cell phone Mac OS X usage 20%; up from 11% in 2005 Wireless use is 50%; up from 30% in 2006 More students using and like it ‘Security awareness and practices’ has gone up significantly due to communications
All results doit.wisc.edu/about/research