Graduate Survey Results East Central Region and State Results
2,278 surveyed for statewide results Survey measured overall student satisfaction Determined extent to which coursework helped achieve educational goals Learn about current employment, salary, job satisfaction Assess usage and awareness of Ivy Tech Career Service offerings 180 East Central Region Graduates Surveyed
92% of regional graduates report that education received was excellent or good State average: 87% Overall Educational Experience Regional Education Objectives 87% - Complete degree or certificate 79% - Personal interest/self-improvement 72% - Enter/re-enter job market 64% - Change careers
92% reported achieving their educational goals State average: 92% Of those who did not, there were four main reasons Not yet employed – 43% State average: 65% Intend to complete another Ivy Tech degree – 36% State average – 27% Personal reasons – 14.3% State average – 22% Financial reasons – 21.4% State average – 18% Education Goals
49% of regional graduates are employed full-time State average: 54% 59% report that work is definitely related to their education State average: 54% 38% of employed graduates are actively seeking a new job State average: 38% Employment Status
50% had a 30% or more salary increase State Average: 33% Ranges for East Central Less that $20, % $20,000 - $29, % $30,000 - $39, % $40,000 - $49, % $50,000 - $59, % $60, % 48% report being satisfied with their current position State average: 47% Average Salaries/Job Satisfaction
Utilization Resume/job search - 37% State average - 45% In-class presentations - 37% State average - 36% Ivy Tech website for job searching - 23% State average - 29% Overall Awareness 62% not aware of access to resources State average – 48% Career Services
Gender % male, 73.5% female Ethnicity – 86% Caucasian, 8% African American, 1% Latino, 6% Other Degree type – 74% Associates, 26% Certificates Respondent Demographics