Lab 23C Waves In Motion
Purpose Waves are oscillations that move from one place to another. Like oscillations, waves also have the properties of frequency and amplitude. In this investigation, you will explore waves on strings and in water. What you learn applies to all other types of waves as well.
Key Question How do waves move?
Background Define: -Ocillation -Transverse wave -Longitudinal wave
Drawing Draw this:
Section 1 work in pairs make a transverse wave: do not overstretch the slinky Section 3 Make a longitudinal wave
Section 5 Use only 0.5 cm of water in the tray (show me) Add a few (about 5) drops of food coloring, just enough to color the water slightly Use the tube to create plane waves Make a circular wave Use the blocks to create a 1cm opening between them, make another plane wave
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