Team 9 West Leyden High School Northlake, IL Mikkel Storaasli – Math Teacher Joe Ruffolo – Physics Teacher Todd Veltman – Chemistry/Physics Teacher Bryan Weinert – Technology Director
Topic A study of vectors covering mathematical concepts related to mechanics.
Underlying Rationale for Interest To provide a computerized model that students can manipulate to verify their physical demonstration and then conduct further investigations while changing additional variables To provide a visual representation of physical data
Modeling Tools The students will use: NIH Image – to analyze and take measurements from video of the physical data collection Stella – to run through the computerized model to verify their results and conduct further investigations Mathematica – to investigate vectors in 3D
Components Addressed Aligning the module to the NCTM, NSTA, and State of Illinois standards. Teaching strategies Assessments
Timeline Microsoft Visio 2000 Enhanced