By: Cord Roberts
The Lydian’s lived in an area Northwest of Phoenicia. The Lydian's created the first coin money. This led merchants being able to set prices for their goods. After the great invention people began to shave the edges of the coins, so the coins were actually worth than they really were.
The Israelites trace their origins to an important religious figure named Abraham. They worshipped many gods. (the water god, the good harvest god.) Abraham made a Isaac had a son called Jacob, he had 12 sons and their descendants became Israelites. God gave Moses a set of laws called the 10 commandments.
They lived on a narrow strip of land that is now the coastal areas of Lebanon and Northern Israel. It’s located between Egypt to the south and Mesopotamia to the east. Became a center for commerce. They borrowed the Egyptian burial practices
Cyrus created Persian Empire by force. Cyrus became the ruler of Anshan at 559 B.C.. After Cyrus died following him was his son Cambyses. Cyrus treated all the people with understanding and respect
Cyrus the great- was very Important to the people of the Persian Empire. Cambyses the son - was very important to the Persian Empire because he ruled after Cyrus died. Darius the organizer-was very important to the Persian Empire because he created the satrap for the regions Dido-
Jewish-read the collections of the Torah and of sacred writings from ancient Israel Christians- the Christians believed in both the old and the New Testament are holy books. The Islamic- they read the Qur’an that contains the most sacred writings. And many other religions throughout the world