Services available via the internet. Online services Services available via the internet.
Entertainment. This is a service that provides entertainment, this could be TV catch up, online videos, gaming, music. Some examples are: Itunes, iPlayer, YouTube, Spotify. Benefits are, You can access TV and music from your computer or smart phone. You can watch and listen to things like the radio and TV live.
Communication This allows you to communicate with other people over the internet. This could be: E-mail, Social networks and video calls. Examples of this are: Gmail, Snapchat, Skype, MSN and Facebook. Benefits of this are, Live communication with people all over the world. Can send text and pictures.
Real-time information. This provides access to live information, like the weather, the news, bus times. Examples of this are: BBC Weather, sky news. Benefits of this are, Can find out information live. Can find bus and train timetables.
Commerce. This is a service that allows you to shop online, and access online banking. Examples of this are: Amazon, eBay, Nationwide, New Look. Benefits of this are, You can order things to be delivered to your house. Buy products from all around the world. Can access online banking.
Government. This is a service that allows you to access online tax returns, e-voting, applications for services, grant, revenue collection. An example is Benefits of this are, You can do it on your computer instead of going out.
Download services. This is an online service which allows you to download music and media. Examples of this are: iTunes, Netflix. Benefits of this are, Watch and listen to music and media at home Download it to watch later.
Education. Services that help with education online. Examples of this are, BBC Bitesize, MyMaths, Online Dictionary. Benefits of this are: Use educational services at home.
Virtual Learning Enviroment. Assists with education online, helps locate education online. An example is Moodle. Benefits are: Helps directs you to online education easily, Teachers can set online homework via virtual learning enviroment.
Business. An online service which allows to access business networks, video conferencing/documenting. An example is Skype. Benefits are: Communicate (Business Meetings) from your own home or office, Access business networks.