Egbert Bruce (Chief of Party, USAID | DELIVER PROJECT), member of the judiciary, Mr Dakpallah (Dir. of Policy, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation/MOH) Dr. Richard Amenyah (Dir. of Tech. Services, Ghana AIDS Commission), Dr. Yasmin Ali Haque (UNICEF Rep.), Dr. Daniel Kertesz (WHO Rep.), Juliana Pwamang (MCH Program Specialist, USAID - Accra) prepare to greet the President.
Lisa Kramer (PMI Advisor, USAID | Ghana), Susan Wright (MCH/FP Advisor, USAID | Ghana).
The Presidential couple being welcomed by the Minister of Health, Dr. Sipa Yankey.
First Lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama being welcomed with a bouquet of flowers.
USAID | GHANA senior staff, heads of UN agencies, directors of the MOH and GHS, senior staff and management of the La General Hospital and chiefs of party of USAID Implementing Mechanisms wait to be greeted by the President.
Guests greet President Obama and the First Lady.