How confident are you with this objective? Copy and answer the question. 1- sentence what? 3- I need more help with this. 5- I’m an expert! L.O: How do writers use sentence variety for effect?
Can you add the correct punctuation to this extract from Jessica Ennis’ autobiography? I am crying as a Sheffield schoolgirl writing in her diary about the bullies awaiting me tomorrow I feel so alone they stand menacingly by the gates and lurk unseen in my head mocking my size and status they make a small girl shrink and I feel insecure and frightened pouring my feelings out into words on the page I am desperate for help it is as if exposing them in some way will make things better but nobody sees my diary it is kept in my room as a hidden tale of hurt
Can you add the correct punctuation to this extract from Jessica Ennis’ autobiography ? I am crying. As a Sheffield schoolgirl writing in her diary about the bullies awaiting me tomorrow, I feel so alone. They stand menacingly by the gates and lurk unseen in my head, mocking my size and status. They make a small girl shrink, and I feel insecure and frightened. Pouring my feelings out into words on the page, I am desperate for help. It is as if exposing them in some way will make things better, but nobody sees my diary. It is kept in my room as a hidden tale of hurt.
Why is it important to vary sentence structure?
1) A simple sentence has only one verb. i.e. Dylan is a boy. 2) A compound sentence is made up of two or more simple sentences, joined with any of the words: and, but, or. i.e. Dylan is a boy and he likes football. 3) A complex sentence has more than one verb and, therefore, contains more than one piece of information. i.e. Dylan enjoys football because he likes to be active and with friends. COPY THE INFORMATION ON SENTENCE TYPES…
How confident are you with this objective? L.O: How do writers use sentence variety for effect?
Use one of the connectives in the box to change this short, simple sentence to a longer complex sentence. because if so in order to since The mice needed a torch.
Use one of the connectives in the box to change this short, simple sentence to a longer complex sentence. Can you make a complex sentence by using a connective at the beginning? when while until after before King kitten prayed for someone to come home.
Use one of the connectives in the box to change this short, simple sentence to a longer complex sentence. Can you make a complex sentence by using a connective at the beginning? when while until after before Super squirrel decided it was time for action.
She heard a noise. She turned round and stared into the darkness. Silence. She started walking faster. Doubt and fear began to take over. She had been warned about walking through the graveyard at night and her mother told her to stick to the path but she did not listen. She reached for her mobile phone. No battery. A twig snapped. Footsteps. Someone or something was following her. Read this really boring extract. The writer has not thought about varying their sentences for effect. You are going to re-write this extract making it much for exciting. Change the structure Add detail and description Use a range of sentence types Use simple sentences for effect Vary your sentence openings using INSPACE.
She heard a noise. She turned round and stared into the darkness. Silence. She started walking faster. Doubt and fear began to take over. She had been warned about walking through the graveyard at night and her mother told her to stick to the path but she did not listen. She reached for her mobile phone. No battery. A twig snapped. Footsteps. Someone or something was following her. How did you do? Swap your work with a partner. Used a variety of sentence structures? Created tension Added detail and description Varied sentence openings using INSPACE?
How confident are you with this objective? L.O: How do writers use sentence variety for effect?
Writers use sentence variety to engage readers. Writers use sentence variety to create tension. Writers use sentence variety because their teachers told them to. Writers use sentence variety to show off. Writers use sentence variety to make their writing more exciting. Writers use sentence variety for a longer word count.
How confident do you feel? RAF5 explain and comment on writers' uses of language, including grammatical and literary features at word and sentence level Write today’s date in the box which applies to how confident you feel with RAF5.