Bone Histology
Remember, bone is a living tissue! Types of Bone Cells Osteocyte: Mature bone cell Osteoblast: Bone-forming cells Osteoclast: Bone-destroying cells Remember, bone is a living tissue!
Microscopic Structure of a Compact Bone Osteon System: A central (Haversian) canal with concentric rings (lamellae) of bone matrix running lengthwise. Very strong!
Lacunae: tiny cavities inside the lamellae rings Lacunae: tiny cavities inside the lamellae rings. This is where the osteocytes are found.
The central canal carries blood vessels and nerves to all areas of the bone.
So how do all bone cells get nourishment and contact the body outside the bone? Canaliculi (kan” ah-lik’-u-li): tiny canals that radiate outward from the central canals to each lacunae space. Volkmann’s Canals: canals that run at right angles to the central canals and perforate the shaft of the bone.
Spongy bone Trabeculae: Loosely organized lamellae rings with osteocytes (no central canal). Canaliculi connect the osteocytes. Works like struts along lines of stress in bone to offer strength, yet lightweight.