Watercolor Resist Painting
Space positive and negative space
The power of color!
Hue = color (red, blue, yellow, etc) Chroma = saturation (how bright/dull the color is) Value = how light/dark a color is
Achromatic Colors
Complementary Colors
Complementary Colors
Complements Vibrates/moves Pops
Complements Vibrates/moves Pops
Analogous Colors
Analogous Serene and comfortable
Warm/cool Colors
Warm vs. cool
Achromatic monochromatic Complements Analogous Warm/cool No black/white
Watercolor Resist Painting
Format picture Recolor Black/white Finished!
High Contrast images work best!
I Can… Image and composition Excellent choice of image (challenging, exciting, recognizable) Final image fills entire paper. Create an artwork using positive/negative space. Spaces are exciting and interesting alone. Final image is recognizable. Use an analogous color scheme Choice of 3 colors work well with image Use a variety of materials and techniques Watercolor resist: Image is crisp, clean, and neat. Paint is bright, bold, and blended well using the wet on wet technique Areas are touched up and hidden with color pencils
Lesson: Watercolor Resist Objectives: Student will be able to edit a photograph using the picture toolbar in Microsoft Word Student will be able to correctly use a grid to enlarge a drawing Student will be able to identify and use an analogous color scheme Student will be able to use wet in wet watercolor technique Student will understand the concept of resist in watercolor Student will be able to participate in a verbal critique of their artwork Vocabulary: Resist, wet in wet wash, bleeding, photo editing, analogous color scheme, grid Resources/ materials: 18x24 drawing paper watercolors rubber cement/ friskit 18x24 watercolor paper student samples large brushes Process: Choose or photograph your subject in strong light coming from one side. Insert image into a Microsoft word document. Click on image to view picture toolbar. Click on 2nd icon from the left and choose black and white. Once image is converted to B&W, grid it, enlarge to desired size and draw out the shapes on drawing paper. Trace drawing onto watercolor paper. Cover all areas that are to stay white with 2 layers of rubber cement or friskit. Wet paper thoroughly, then drop in strong, wet watercolor, letting several colors bleed together. Add a second layer if needed. When dry, rub off resist and touch up with Prismacolor colored pencils. Guided practice: Teacher will instruct students on how to edit a photograph using the picture toolbar in Microsoft Word. She will then review how to use a grid and have students enlarge photo on drawing paper. Teacher will instruct students to transfer drawing to watercolor paper. She will review analogous color schemes and demonstrate how to do a wet in wet wash with watercolor. Teacher will instruct students on how to use the resist material. Independent practice: Students will complete project. Students will complete class critique Assessment: Student will be graded on how well they completed the objectives of the lesson, their craftsmanship, and their class participation. Closure: Review objectives of lesson. Talk about individual student works, pointing out areas of success and areas that need improvement. https://naea.digication.com/rhsart/Art_3_-_Water_Color_Resist/published/?sh_1319138=3&moduleinstid=1319138&page_mode=published
Need to add pop art info! Maralyn monroe, kurt cobain