Session-Independent Policies draft-ietf-sipping-session-indep-policy-00 Volker Hilt Gonzalo Camarillo Jonathan Rosenberg
Session-Independent Policies Status –Moved to SIPPING WG item. Next steps: –Split current XML schema Schema for general policy elements/attributes. –XML elements and attributes common to all policies. –Re-used in policy documents. –Understood by all policy-enabled UAs. Multiple schemas for each specific policy domain. –Currently: protocol policies, media policies –UA may support multiple policy schemas. »UA and policy server need to negotiate supported schemas. –UAs do not need to support all elements in a schema. –Align with User Agent Profile Data Sets draft.
General policy elements/attributes: XML Example Media policy: Example policy document: T13:30: :00 PCMU
Elements –Version –Originator: who provided this policy –Target: for which user/device is this policy. –Expires: when do the policies expire. –Filter: to which sessions do policies apply to, based on time of day, remote URI,... Attributes –Use (mandatory, optional) –Policy (allowed, denied, less_than, greater_than,...) General Policy Elements/Attributes
General –Max media bandwidth –Max number of streams –Max media bandwidth per session –Max number of streams per session Stream –Max bandwidth per stream –Media type (audio,video,...) –Codecs –Max packet size –Max number of packets per second Media Policies Stream (cont.) –Transport (e.g. RTP/AVT) –IP version –IP address (range) –Port (range) –Direction –Desired Preconditions –Other Attributes
SIP –Methods –Extensions (option tag) –Bodies Format Multipart handling Disposition Encryption –Min/max registration time –Min/max subscribe time per type, target, … –Max SIP bandwidth –Max SIP requests per second –Max SIP requests per second per method Protocol Policies SIP (cont.) –Transport protocols –Max number of registered contacts allowed for a AOR DTMF –Method
Comments? Feedback? Is there in anything missing? Should we limit the set of elements in a schema and define only what’s specifically needed? Please send your comments!!