1 TESLA Collaboration Meeting at INFN-LNF Status and Plans for TESLA: X-FEL and LC Albrecht Wagner Frascati, 26 May 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

1 TESLA Collaboration Meeting at INFN-LNF Status and Plans for TESLA: X-FEL and LC Albrecht Wagner Frascati, 26 May 2003

2 Recommendations concerning TESLA The Science Council requests the Federal Government to give its binding consent to German participation in the LC as soon as possible after the project proposal has been submitted with specific details concerning international funding and international cooperation. The Science Council requests the Federal Government to give its binding consent to German participation in the TESLA X-FEL project as soon as possible after the revised project proposal has been submitted. The German Science Council has issued in November 2002 its recommendations: This was the status at the last TESLA meeting at DESY in January 2003

3 The TESLA Collaboration The TESLA Collaboration: - at present 49 Institutes in 12 countries New applications: Oxford Elettra ITEP

4 Government Decision on X-FEL The decisions of the German Ministry for Education and Research concerning TESLA was published on 5 February 2003: DESY in Hamburg will receive the X-FEL Germany is prepared to carry half of the 673 MEuro investment cost. Discussions on European cooperation will proceed expeditiously, so that in about two years a construction decision can be taken.

5 beam lines undulatorsLinacinjector TESLA Linac Corporation Lab 1 Lab 2Lab n Linac Network... experiments European XFEL Corporation European Governments A Model for a European X-FEL Laboratory

6 Next Steps towards a European X-FEL Discussion with European partners interested in the construction of the linear accelerator and the laser facility Formation of a planning group with members from all countries interested in the participation in the construction of the linear accelerator and the laser facility Analysis of the present concept for the linear accelerator and the laser facility by the planning group Adaptation of the project parameters to include the findings and recommendations of the planning group Continuation of the R&D work on the linear accelerator, undulators, beam lines and experiments of the X-FEL laboratory The design work on the XFEL accelerator will be largely applicable for the main accelerator of a cold LC

7 What has Happened since February on the X-FEL Discussions with potential users (-> workshops) Discussions with the members of the TESLA collaboration Discussions among Funding Agencies (ESFRI) next meeting on 4 July, 1 international and many national projects Discussion with politicians in Germany Study of possible phase space of X-FEL parameters (R. Brinkmann) Study of alternative site(s) Question of names (VUV-FEL, X-FEL, TESLA …)

m 1200 m start in 2005 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● complet in 2011 time schedule European XFEL Laboratory

9 Of Key Importance for X-FEL: TTF2 VUV FEL TTF1 will be extended to reach 1 GeV in 2003 and become a user facility in 2004 TTF1

10 very small transverse emittance (3-4  mm 0.5 nC) stable production of short bunches with small energy spread experimental optimization including all sub-systems  extensive beam dynamics studies provide improved guns for TTF2/FEL in September 03 develop and test a high duty cycle gun cavity remote operation / GAN/ FNAL, Frascati,HH,Zeuthen Collaboration & partners BESSY, MBI, TU Darmstadt & DESY * INFN Milano, PI Yerevan, INRE Sofia, HEPI Tbilisi, IINR Troitzk PITZ Photo Injector Test Facility for FELs and LCs

11 TESLA and the international LC Daresbury, 23 –25 September 2002

12 Government Decision on LC Today no German site for the TESLA linear collider will be put forward. This decision is connected to plans to operate this project within a world-wide collaboration DESY will continue its research work on TESLA in the existing international framework, to facilitate German participation in a future global project BMBF report to Parliament commission on Research:  DESY will remain a world-wide leading centre of particle physics.  The decision to not propose a site today is not meant as a reduction of the importance of particle physics in Germany. Ministry followed recommendation of German particle physicists

13 Consequences for the LC The path chosen by TESLA to move towards approval was recommended by the German Science Council and is generally considered to be the fastest one. Community will now take the other path used for international projects (e.g. ITER): unite first behind one project with all its aspects, including the technology choice, and then approach all possible governments in parallel in order to trigger the decision process and site selection.

14 LC: What has Happened since 2001? ACFA, ECFA, HEPAP scientific recommendations TESLA TDR in March 2001 OECD Global Science Forum (2002 and continuing) JLC Road Map in February 2003 International Technical Review (2003) ILCSG and regional steering groups German Science Council recommendations German Government decision Discussion among funding agencies Discussion in CERN Council about CERNs role in a LC WGs on organisational matters GAN workshops etc….

15 LC Steering Groups Asian SG European SG US SG International LC SC ECFA ICFA initiative for an international co-ordination: Gov First proposed Feb (J. Dorfan), very active since Aug. 2002

16 The Scientific Case A world-wide consensus has formed for a baseline LC project in which positrons collide with electrons at energies up to 500 GeV, with luminosity above cm -2 s -1. The energy should be upgradable to about 1 TeV. Above this firm baseline, several options are envisioned whose priority will depend upon the nature of the discoveries made at the LHC and in the initial LC operation. The consensus document is presently being signed by scientists all around the world. …The theme: see ‚Consensus document‘

17 The Scientific Case - 2 ECFA Workshop in Amsterdam: Conclusion of the ECFA/DESY workshop #3 Start of the new ECFA workshop Excellent attendance, many new results Definition of European view on ‚scope‘ of LC Detector R&D DESY through its PRC acts as ‚review body‘ for world-wide detector R&D Many interesting activities, some also with possible impact on X- FEL instrumentation

18 Scope of the LC - ECFA/DESY Study (Amsterdam) Phase 1 A cms-energy range of 91 to 500 GeV At 500 GeV instantaneous luminosity and reliability sufficient to deliver a total of some 500 fb-1 in the first 4 years of running tunnel and floorspace available for two interaction regions, at least one of them with finite crossing angle, and at least one fully functional detector both interaction regions allowing the same energy range and luminosity for e+e- collisions 80% electron polarisation capability to run e-e- experiments possibility to get to higher energies (some 750 GeV cms) without increasing cooling and RF power, i.e. with reduced luminosity at increased gradient Priorities on the options listed below will depend on the results obtained from LHC and the first phase LC.

19 International TRC Quotes: Results from International Technical Review (Feb. 2003)

20 Progress on TESLA Technology First high power test of an electro-polished cavity very good result, similar to vertical test It is essential to continue the R&D on high gradient cavities -> beam tests Of top priority for technology decision Due to the XFEL DESY (and partners) will focus in preparation of collider very much on linac related issues (industrialisation, reliability, high gradient programme)

21 Next Steps for TESLA The focus of the work: reach the R1 milestone, as defined in the ITR report (test of one module with beam at 35 MV/m). Due to the extremely tight financial situation at DESY in 2003 this goal will not be reachable within one year. It is therefore very important to approach this goal as much as possible until spring 2004: Test as many 9-cell cavities as possible, with full power for as long as possible at their highest gradient (35 MV/m). Test with a first 9-cell cavitiy have shown very promising results. In addition it would be very good if at least one 9-cell cavity could be tested with beam (under investigation). In order to prepare the construction of the X-FEL, DESY and its partners will soon focus on issues related to the mass production of all components. This will lead within one to two years to further improvements of the technical design and a better cost evaluation.

22 Technology Recommendation How: Gather a committee of wise persons, who use criteria to be developed by the ILCSC, to recommend a technology choice to the ILCSC. The regional steering committees will each nominate 4 persons from which the ILCSC will choose three from each list for a total of 9 wise persons. First discussion of the make-up of the committee in August. Advice in this will be widely sought from the community. Aim at joint selection of one technology in 1 year.

23 TESLA and the Technology Choice If the chosen technology is ‚cold‘, a major synergy will exist between the work on the X-FEL and the LC: –SC technology, mass production, reliability, all RF issues (klystrons, LLRF, RF distribution and components..) –Fast orbit feed back –Damping ring kicker system (X-FEL beam distribution) –Beam diagnostics –…. If the chosen technology is ‘warm’, a major rethinking is necessary. In this case the role of DESY (and possibly some of the TESLA partners?) will be less pronounced, due to the commitment to the X-FEL.

24 Global Linear Collider Center All (ILCSG) agree that it would be highly desirable to form a precursor to the Global Linear Collider Center: Core group to begin making an international design, based on accumulated work to date, but reexamined in a completely international context. In parallel to the work of the design group: preparation of political decision, definition of organisational structure, site analysis Aim at approval of LC around 2006/2007

25 Global Linear Collider Center – European Branch A draft proposal (‘Design Study’) for the European branch of such an international design team is presently being prepared for the EU. Meeting of interested people later this afternoon. Many other R&D activities have been co-ordinated by the TESLA patners and others in preparation of the 6FP (-> ESGARD, CARE…)

26 The Role of CERN CERN wants and needs to play a leading role in a Next Linear Collider Discussions in SPC and Council have just started A network would provide a good framework The timing is a matter of resources

27 Site Planning Status Agreement between the states Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg for joint legal procedure Preparation nearly completed, but process presently stopped (but is ready to continue) Government decision has triggered a re-thinking of the site for the X-FEL. Try to collect the facts and discuss with future users

28 Some Design Aspects

29 Various other Matters Visit of J. Marburger to DESY in March 2003 US SCLC steering group and comparative cost study: recent visit to DESY (see talk by G. Dugan) Science Forum on DESY, X-FEL and LC in Hamburg on 11 June 2003, with Ministers E. Bulmahn and J. Draeger (HH)

30 The Strategic Elements of DESY‘s Future The strength of DESY lies in its structure: Accelerators, particle physics, research with photons Current Projects: HERA DORIS VUV-FEL Planned Projects: TESLA LC TESLA X-FEL Upgrade Project: PETRA SR

31 PETRA III Features of PETRA III: High brilliance (>~ ESRF, APS) Beam stability energy: 6(7) GeV current: 100(200) mA beam size: 30 x 3 μm2 13 undulator stations Project approved by BMBF (~100 MEuro)

32 The DESY Future – Programme-oriented Funding Health Transport and Space Energy Earth and Environment Structure Of Matter Key technologies BMBF + States

33 Elementary Particle Physics (DESY, FZK) Astroparticle Physics (FZK, DESY) Physics of Hadrons and Nuclei (GSI, FZJ, FZK) Condensed Matter Physics (FZJ, FZK) Large Facilities for Research with Photons, Neutrons and Ions (DESY, FZJ, FZK, GKSS, GSI, HMI) The Five Programmes

34 Next Steps The proposed next steps are based on the assumption that the linear accelerator for the X-FEL will be built as a joint project of European accelerator laboratories. The detailed specifications of the accelerator will be determined by the beam properties required for the X-FEL: Bring into operation, together with the TESLA partners, the extended TESLA Test Facility (TTF2), in order to provide a new high power VUV-FEL light source for research starting in 2004

35 Next Steps X-FEL Continuation of the R&D work for the X-FEL accelerator Formation of a planning group with all interested partners (including future users) Analysis of the present concept for the linear accelerator, as described in the TDR supplement, and the laser facility by the planning group Adaptation of the project parameters to include the findings and recommendations of the planning group Linear Collider Continuation of the high gradient programme (construction, optimisation and tests of cavities with 35 MV/m) Build-up of a European LC Design Teams as part of an international Design Team Participation in the LC working groups of ICFA and ECFA

36 DESY Advisory Bodies The DESY Scientific Council has confirmed the policy and priorities as described above: –Road map towards X-FEL –Next steps towards a LC The DESY MAC will look in June at both, the progress in TTF and the planned high-gradient programme

37 Conclusion Based on the work of the TESLA collaboration during the past decade Germany has proposed to finance half of a European X-FEL and to support further work on the TESLA LC within an international collaboration. This creates outstanding opportunities for all partners: Advance the design and the TESLA technology in order to build the X-FEL Use this momentum to advance the case for a global LC Exciting times and lots of work lie ahead, let us tackle the tasks.