What is the Enlightenment? Who do you think are some key people we will study?
Descartes’ idea was that the world consists of two fundamental entities or substances, which we call a. water and air b. the physical and hte spiritual c. reason and passion d. deduction and induction e. real and unreal
Enlightenment Ideas that natural science and reason can be used to explain life Autonomy of man’s intellect Deism -- Clock example
Locke - Two Treatises on Civil Government Social contract, humans good, natural rights Essay Concerning Human Understanding tabla rasa, so education is critical!
Pierre Bayle - Critical and Historical Dictionary Advocates total tolerance dislikes orthodoxy
Philosophes - philosophers committed to reforming society Include: Voltaire, Baron de Montesquieu, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Denis Diderot, Marquis di Beccaria
Voltair e Challenges church social criticism - dislikes injustice, likes toleration wants “enlightened despotism” where people can govern themselves
Montesquie u Idea for social contract, separation of powers Supports parliaments, desires liberty and checked power
Roussea u Wants to consider property less, focus on people’s desires rule through general will of people Man a “noble savage” corrupted by materialism
Denis Diderot Compiles Encyclopedia of all the philosophes Criticizes religion, advocates tolerance THINK CRITICALLY!