The Recognized Leader for Considerate Reading Narrative ReadingInformational Reading Beginning Reading
Committed to helping you… Meet Standards Differentiate Instruction Build Motivation and Volume Create Readers, Thinkers and Expressers
Meeting Standards Our students are really smart, they have the same interests and social maturities as their peers …they just need reading materials to match their reading abilities.
Meeting Standards With Start-to-Finish, students meet standards to the level the standard was written: Supports mastery by letting students concentrate on the task or concepts being evaluated, not the difficult text Supports narrative and nonfiction reading Correlates to state English/language arts, science and history standards
Differentiated Instruction “In addition to using appropriate grade-level textbooks that may already be available in the classroom, it is crucial to have a range of texts in the classroom that link to multiple ability levels and connect to students’ background experiences.” Reading Next—A Vision for Action and Research in Middle and High School Literacy (2004)
Motivation & Volume A study of 18 elementary science & social studies textbooks revealed (Chall & Conrad, 1991) : –1 of 18 were at grade-level readability –Most were 2 to 3 grades above grade-level –4 of 18 were 3 to 4 grades above grade-level –Average achieving students - One-fourth to half had satisfactory comprehension –Low achieving students – No comprehension Destroys Motivation
Motivation & Volume “At every age level, reading more pages in school and at home each day was associated with higher reading scores. At each grade level, students who read more pages every day were more likely to achieve the proficient level of performance on the NAEP reading assessment.” Richard Allington (2006)
Motivation & Volume Start-to-Finish… Meets independent and instructional reading levels –Text is not too difficult and can be supported with multiple formats Provides a considerate reading experiences so students read more
Readers…Thinkers… Expressers… Comprehension is all about thinking. It comes from the inner-conversation that students’ have in their heads while reading, watching a video or listening. -Stephanie Harvey 2006 WSRA Conference
Readers…Thinkers… Expressers… With Start-to-Finish: Students read with excitement, intonation and meaning Students get involved with Start-to-Finish text… they ask questions, get answers, connect with characters and plots Students are inspired to share their new knowledge and emotional feelings about their reading