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What should you focus on when serving or working with a Job Center Customer who has a disability? Finding out more about their disability so that I can refer them to the right program or partner agency (e.g. Vocational Rehabilitation). Finding out where they got those fabulous shoes! The same things I focus on with all job seekers accessing the Job Center.
Your state’s public Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) system is an important partner in the Job Center system, and your Job Center may have other special programs for people with disabilities. However, while these services may be helpful, they should not be the only options available. People with disabilities are entitled to the same full range of core services as anyone else, and should also be considered for the full variety of intensive and training services - not just the disability-specific ones available through the Job Center system. This isn’t the correct answer to the question. Please try again… Not the best choice…
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Additionally, it is important to make it easy for job seekers with disabilities to ask for and obtain a reasonable accommodation. It is important to clearly indicate verbally and in writing the availability of reasonable accommodations and modifications in publicity materials and intake forms, in the reception area, at orientations, and elsewhere to all incoming Job Center customers. You will also want to find out if they will need or benefit from additional resources beyond those offered in the Job Center. However, don’t assume that a person with a disability will need additional resources or even accommodation in accessing the Job Center’s services. To learn more check out: Guidelines for Serving People with Disabilities CORRECT! Click here to end show This 30-Second Training has been developed using Federal funds from the Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration under Contract No.: DOLJ131A The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations