AIChE General Body Meeting Monday, November 16th
National Conference Recap Lots of networking 38+ chapters expected to be at our conference! We’ll need your help in the Spring Congratulations to…. Tyler Roberts International Regional Liaison Elaine Stewart International Regional Liaison & Local Sections Chair Justin Caccavale International Regional Liaison & Divisions and Forums Chair
Upcoming Events BROOMBALL This Thursday, 11pm, Fred Rust Ice Arena Bus route right to ice rink Lots of doughnuts and hot chocolate! Delaware Valley Section Panel & December Meeting Tuesday 12/8 6pm Gore 205 Finals study break TBA Eweek 2016 (February 21-27) Stay tuned
Introducing our speaker: Karen Fletcher Vice President – DuPont Engineering, Facilities Services & Real Estate and Chief Engineer Has held positions within R&D, technical marketing, product management, and global sales Board of directors for National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, Inc. (NACME) Member of University of Delaware Research Foundation (UDRF) University of Delaware Alumna Masters in Chemical Engineering Member of Advisory Council for UD Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering