APPEAL NO. A-5-LOB Loynes, LLC – Sean Hitchcock 6400 E. Loynes Drive SEADIP Subarea 23 City of Long Beach
Long Beach E. Loynes DriveSite Los Cerritos Wetlands N
2008 Jan.9 (Google) Before Grading
2009 May 25 (Google) Nine weeks after grading
The Disturbed Area The disturbed area is the portion of the site where unpermitted grading and vegetation removal occurred in March The disturbed area is much larger than 50,000 square feet. Photographs and eye witnesses verify that the area disturbed by heavy machinery in March 2009 covers most of the nine-acre site. An aerial photograph dated on May 25, 2009 shows the disturbed area.
Applicants Proposed Revegetation Area Staff Recommended Reveg. Area 5 ac. Applicant’s Original Proposed Reveg. Area 50,000 sq. ft. Applicant’s Revised Reveg Area 2.5 Acres
2009 May 25 (Google) Nine weeks after grading Disturbed Area
2009 Nov.15 (Google) Eight months after grading
Before March 19-20, 2009
March 19-20, 2009
Eastern end of the site - looking west After March 19-20, 2009
Eastern end of the site - looking west Feb. 25, 2010 Eastern end of the site - looking west Eleven months after grading
Feb. 25, 2010 Drainage ditch between site and Loynes Dr. Eleven months after grading
Feb. 25, 2010 Looking south across site from Loynes Dr. Eleven months after grading
Service road between site and Los Cerritos Channel Pike Parking Feb. 25, 2010