Welcome! Social Studies Alive! My Community
What Is TCI? TCI is a K-12 publishing company created by teachers, for teachers. We believe the best teaching marries great content, meaningful technology, and interactive classroom experiences. The end result — students of all abilities and learning styles succeed.
Elementary School Program Goals Make elementary social studies engaging for all students. Develop students’ literacy skills in the content area. Help students succeed on high- stakes district, state, and national assessments. To inspire students with memorable activities based on state and Common Core standards.
Lesson: How Do We Use Maps? In a Social Studies Skill Builder, students work in pairs to read and answer questions about maps.
Lesson: How Can One Person Make a Difference in a Community? In a Response Group activity, students propose possible solutions to given community problems and compare their solutions with how people actually solved these problems.
My Community Program Components Teacher ResourcesStudent Resources