Family Pinaceae By Jerry Warmbold
Geographical Range Primarily found in the northern hemisphere, and high altitudes Although a few species can be found further south such as Asia, and Northern Africa
Pinaceae “The Pine Family” Kingdom – Plantae Division – Pinophyta/Coniferophyta Class – Pinopsida Order – Pinales/Coniferales Family – Pinaceae ~9-12 Genera ~210 Species
Pinaceae “The Pine Family” Trees, a few shrubs Branches whorled, sometimes opposite, rarely alternate Needle like leaves, often in fascicles depending on genus Leaves alternate on branch, or are in fascicles on shoots Female Cones have woody scales in a spiral arrangement
Pinaceae “The Pine Family” Female cones are woody Scales are arranged spirally with the bract and seed scales being separate
Balsam Fir Abies balsamifera 7.html single flat needles with white stripe
Tamarack Larix laricina 1” needles Fascicles of Only genus in Pinaceae that isn’t evergreen
Jack Pine Pinus banksiana 1- 2” long needles Fascicles of 2
Red Pine Pinus resinosa 3 – 6” long needles Fascicles of 2
White Pine Pinus strobus 2 – 4” long needles Fascicles of 5
References Walters, Dirk., Keil, David., Murrell, Zack Vascular Plant Taxonomy. 5 th ed. U.S.: Kendall/Hunt Print. Campbell, Judd., Kellogg, C., Stevens, E. P.F Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach. Sunderland, MA, Sinauer Associates, Inc. act.html Brundrett, Mark Mycorrhizal Associations: The Web Resource.