Structure of Atoms
How do observable properties of matter enable us to determine the structure of atoms? How do observable properties of matter enable us to determine the structure of atoms?
Students Will: Analyze atomic structure and electric forces. Examine nuclear structure, nuclear forces, & nuclear reactions (e.g. fission, fusion, radioactivity). Analyze atomic structure and electric forces. Examine nuclear structure, nuclear forces, & nuclear reactions (e.g. fission, fusion, radioactivity).
Structure & Properties of Matter
How are chemical & physical properties of matter related to the structure of matter? How are chemical & physical properties of matter related to the structure of matter?
Students Will: Investigate how the structure of matter relates to chemical properties of matter. Investigate how the structure of matter relates to physical properties of matter. Investigate how the structure of matter relates to chemical properties of matter. Investigate how the structure of matter relates to physical properties of matter.
Conservation of Energy & Increase in Disorder
How is the transfer of energy controlled by the conservation of energy & the tendency toward disorder? How is the transfer of energy controlled by the conservation of energy & the tendency toward disorder?
Students Will: Examine how energy is transferred & recognize that the total energy of the universe is constant. Distinguish between types of energy. Examine how everything tends to become less organized & less orderly over time. Examine how energy is transferred & recognize that the total energy of the universe is constant. Distinguish between types of energy. Examine how everything tends to become less organized & less orderly over time.
Chemical Reactions How, why, and where do chemical reactions occur in our everyday life?
Investigate Chemical reactions & the release or consumption of energy. Examine the transfer of electrons or hydrogen ions between reacting ions, molecules, or atoms. Investigate factors affecting reaction rates. Investigate Chemical reactions & the release or consumption of energy. Examine the transfer of electrons or hydrogen ions between reacting ions, molecules, or atoms. Investigate factors affecting reaction rates. Students Will: