Changes to Key Stage 1 Tests 2016
Meet the Team Mrs Hoque Year Group Leader (Mon and Tues) Mrs Ahmed Year Group Leader (Wed, Thurs and Fri) Mrs Maxwell-Philips Teacher Mrs R Khan (2RK) Teacher Miss Jackman (2LJ) Teacher Mrs Shafiq Teaching Assistant Mrs N Khan Teaching Assistant
Measuring Success This year children will be assessed on the new curriculum in reading, spelling, grammar, punctuation and mathematics. The emphasis will continue to be on teacher judgement but children will under go some new set of tests. The children will be assessed in May 2016 The tests will be used to inform final teacher judgements. All tests will be internally marked.
2016 New Curriculum, New Standards, New Tests Previous test and task will be replaced by new set of tests-there will be no tasks New tests include: A spelling, punctuation and grammar test also known as SPAG An arithmetic test
No set days for administration All tests to be administered in May 2016 A new form of marking will be used known as the ‘scaled scores’ which is used all over the world. This will help reports to be consistent We will use something called a Raw score which measures how much the children have got right and then this raw score will be converted into a scale score using a conversion method.
English Reading This will consist of 2 papers Paper 1 will have the text and questions combined It will have two text types-fiction and non fiction It will carry 20 marks and children will need to complete it in 30 minutes
English Reading Paper 2 will be more challenging. It will have a different format - There will be a text booklet and a separate answering booklet. It will also carry 20 marks and will need to be completed in 40 minutes. There will be no practice questions. All pupils will be given the opportunity to sit both papers.
SPAG Test Spelling, punctuation and grammar This will consist of 2 papers Paper 1 is a spelling test which will have 20 questions. It needs to be completed in 15 minutes. The layout is slightly different.
SPAG Test Spelling, punctuation and grammar Paper 2 is all about the technical aspects of grammar. The test will have roughly 20 questions that needs to be completed in 20 minutes. This is a new test and it requires a lot of rote learning.
Writing This year there will be no formal writing test. There is still a big emphasis on teacher assessment so we will continue to use our literacy books and topic books to make the judgment.
Mathematics This will consist of 2 papers Paper 1 is a new test-Arithmetic test There are 25 questions and the time allocated will be 20 minutes. Children are not allowed to use calculators, rulers or number apparatus like number square, number lines etc
Mathematics Paper 2 is all about reasoning This paper will include 5 aural questions. The children will need to complete this test in 35 minutes Again the children will not be allowed to use calculators and number apparatus but they can use rulers. The layout is very similar to previous tests and it will include a practice questions.
New Tests in 2016 SubjectTests for 2016MarksTime EnglishReading Test- Paper 120 marks30 minutes Reading Test- Paper 220 marks45 minutes SPAGSPAG-Paper 1 spelling20 marks15 minutes SPAG-Paper 2 Grammar20 marks20 minutes MathsMathematics Paper 1 Arithmetic 25 marks20 minutes Mathematics Paper 2 Reasoning 35 marks35 minutes
How can you be sure we are levelling correctly? For all subjects we work from the new National Curriculum Framework We will be provided with a conversion table to convert the raw score to a scale score
Reporting Report all assessments to the L.A. We are obliged to report to parents only the teacher assessment levels; We will share the results with Parents on Parents Evening in July.
What can you do at home? Continue with reading and asking questions about the story; Encourage the children to read ‘unseen’ texts; Go over some of the grammar rules Make number problems a part of every day life. Ensure children do their homework and learn their spellings Give children extra work from the CGP books which can be bought from the office
Thank you for your time.