Welcome to Year 3 Mrs Ayliffe Mr Wolfson
What stays the same from Year 2 Daily Maths Daily Literacy Science, Topic, ICT, PE, RE, PSHE (or SEAL) and Music Handwriting Spelling Test
Guided Reading are all taught daily. Spag – Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar French Recorders Silent reading after lunch Swimming Times Tables Challenge What is different from Year 2
Positive Behaviour Management Good to be Green Verbal and written praise House points system. Merit box. Individual and class rewards.
Topics Let’s Rock Mighty Myths Lights, Camera, Action There's No Place Like Rome Food Glorious Food Growing for Gold Trips
PE sessions Swimming on Fridays: costume or trunks, towel, can bring goggles, hair tied back, hairbrush, socks, knickers! Outdoor kit : plain white t-shirt; navy, grey or black plain tracksuit and long sleeved top and suitable trainers. Indoor kit : plain white t-shirt; plain, navy, grey or black shorts. Tuesday sessions.
Homework Set on Fridays Spellings weekly Times Tables – ongoing Maths, Literacy or Topic Recorders Reading - questions Talk Ticket – sent home on Tuesdays
Communication between home and School Homework diary essential link, to be handed in signed, Thursday morning. Telephone Before or after school Year 3 blog –