SEND reforms implementation - joint workshop Yorkshire & Humber, 4 March 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

SEND reforms implementation - joint workshop Yorkshire & Humber, 4 March 2016

DfE Strategic Reform Partner With National Children’s Bureau – Department of Health Strategic Partner Young people at the centre of what we do Work with parents Work with clinicians – RCPCH, BACD Work with researchers – MCRN, PenCru Work with commissioners Council for Disabled Children

What do you want to get out of today to address key challenges in your area?

“It doesn’t matter where the support comes from, I don’t care who pays for it”- Every parent, ever.

Supporting my dreams and goals I am supported to feel confident and to develop my own dreams and goals. Adults around me do not make assumptions about what I can and cannot do. I am supported to make progress with my studies and get the fullest education possible in a way that does not limit my later options. I can meet and learn about other people I relate to, whose experiences may have been similar to mine, and who I can share my experiences with. People, professionals and services recognise that, when help is required, it must be timely so as not to disrupt my progress. They act accordingly. I Statements

Commissioning - around the child

Early Years Commissioning – who and what? Social CareHealthEducation Responsibility DfE LA-Children Services CCG- general health NHS England Local Authority- public health Department for Education Local authority Parents ProviderEarly Years Services Children Centres Family Information Services Child in need or Early Help Children’s Safeguarding Universal - GPs, Walk in centres Early years - Healthy Chid Programme Health Visitors Portage Maternal health services MDT, CDC Paediatrician Therapists Childminders Nursery schools PVI settings Funding LA Children Services Funding from DfE Local Authority Health Visiting Grant CCG- Funding from NHS England to provide services for local population Dedicated Schools Grant (early years block) High-needs block DataSocial Care Statistical Return/Performance Local Authority Management and Quality Assurance Data LA level Strategic Information will be presented to: Health and Wellbeing Boards, Local Safeguarding Children Boards and Children’s Trust Boards Joint Strategic Needs Assessment FOI Requests Complaints reports Ofsted Inspection Reports Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles NHS Outcomes Framework Commissioning Outcome Indicator Set Clinical Outcomes data Early Years Foundation Stage Profiles Ofsted inspection

Social CareHealthEducation Responsibility DfE LA- Children Services CCG- general health NHS England Local Authority- public health Department for Education Local authority Education Funding Agency ProviderSchool Holiday and Short Break Provision Behavioural Support Children’s Centre Personal Budgets Universal - GPs, Walk in centres Children’s Services- MDT, CDC, Paediatrician, Therapists Children’s Continuing Healthcare Care School nurses CAMHS Maintained schools Academies Special schools (various) Pupil Referral Units and other alternative provision Funding LA Children Services Funding from DfE CCG- Funding from NHS England to provide services for local population CAMHS- Local Area Transformation Plan allocation Local Authority- Public health grant Dedicated Schools Grant Notional SEN budget High-needs block DataSocial Care Statistical Return/Performance Local Authority Management and Quality Assurance Data LA level Strategic Information will be presented to: Health and Wellbeing Boards, Local Safeguarding Children Boards and Children’s Trust Boards Joint Strategic Needs Assessment FOI Requests Complaints reports Ofsted Inspection Reports NHS Outcomes Framework Commissioning Outcome Indicator Set Child Health Data set in development Clinical Outcomes data Progress Attainment Exclusions Admissions Ofsted inspection School Age Commissioning – who and what?

Social CareHealthEducation Responsibility DfE  DH LA Children’s Services  LA Adult Services CCG- general health NHS England Local Authority- public health Department for Education Education Funding Agency Local authority Skills Funding Agency Department for Business Innovation and Skills ProviderTargeted Youth Work Young Carers Support Support to access community facilities Advocacy Employment/Training Support Personal Budgets  Advocacy Personal Budgets Universal- GPs, Walk in centres - Continues Transition Services School nurses CAMHS Children’s Continuing Healthcare Care  Specialist services Advocacy Personal Budgets Adult Continuing Care Funding School Sixth Forms General FE colleges Independent Specialist Providers PVI settings Apprenticeship providers  Universities PVI settings Funding LA Children Services Funding from DfE  CCG- Funding from NHS England to provide services for local population Local Authority - Public health grant High-needs block Notional SEN budget Dedicated Schools Grant Skills Funding Agency statement DataSocial Care Statistical Return/Performance LA Management & QA Data LA level Strategic Information presented to: Health and Wellbeing Boards, Local Safeguarding Children Boards and Children’s Trust Boards Joint Strategic Needs Assessment FOI Requests Complaints reports Ofsted Inspection Reports Child Health Data set in development Clinical Outcomes data  NHS Outcomes Framework Commissioning Outcome Indicator Set Clinical Outcomes data Progress Attainment Ofsted inspection  Qualifications Transition to Adulthood Commissioning – who and what?

Implementation of Children and Families Act has focused on operational aspects(e.g. EHC Plans and maintaining a Local Offer) without Joint Commissioning Arrangements fully established in all areas. BUT Joint Commissioning Arrangements are required for strategic changes required to support this delivery. Without JCA there will be increasing pressure on operational delivery and frontline professionals - potentially undeliverable. Vital opportunity to achieve system wide change across education, health and care for children and young people - e.g. Transforming Care Programme, Children’s Continuing Care refresh, IPC Nearly 18 months in - emerging lessons?

Joint Commissioning Arrangements: The Children and Families Act Local Roadmap

Joint Commissioning Arrangements Who should be around the table? CCG Lead Commissioner for children/ disabled children Local Authority Officer responsible for schools Designated Medical/Clinical Officer Parent and Young People Representativ es Local Authority Head of SEN and Disability SEN Reform Implementatio n Lead SEND Joint Commission er Local Authority Officer responsible for Post-16 Provision NHS England Local Area Team Representativ e Local Authority Officer responsible for early years Director of Public Health Director of Adult Social Care Schools Forum Representative Youth Offending Team Joint Commissioning – Who’s around the table?

Where does it fit?

Continuing drive towards integrating commissioning in NHS: Five Year Forward View driving agenda Implementation of Care Act Better Care Fund Integrated Personal Commissioning (IPC) programme Prime Ministers Challenge Fund Sites New Care Models Programme Vanguard Sites Children and Young People Patient Centred Outcomes Measures pilots Reform of National Framework for Children and Young People’s Continuing Care Future in Mind Local Transformation Plans Transforming Care Programme Local Area Transformation and Sustainability Plans Alignment with wider local processes in education health and care

Joint Ofsted and CQC Inspections Two key questions: How effectively does the local area identify children and young people who are disabled and/or have special educational needs? How effectively does the local area meet the needs and improve the outcomes of children and young people who are disabled and/or have special educational needs? Holding local areas to account; and helping local areas to identify areas for improvement. The inspection of health and social care functions must extend beyond assessment and provision for children and young people with EHC plans. “This is a local area joint inspection, not a local authority inspection.”

Group Discussion: The Inspection How do you know what you are doing is making a difference? What do you have in place to tell your story?

A Whole Population Approach: Patient Segments in Child Health Healthy childChild with social needs Child with complex health needs Child with single long- term condition Acutely mild-to- moderately unwell child Acutely severely unwell child There are a number of cross-cutting themes that can be found within many or all of the 6 segments. Examples include safeguarding, mental health, educational issues around school and transition. Dr Bob Klaber & Dr Mando Watson Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust SafeguardIngSafeguardIng MentalHealthMentalHealth TransitIonTransitIon SchoolIssuesSchoolIssues InequalitiesInequalities