Roots to Learn Domin/dom means ”master” Vict/vinc means “to conquer” or “to overcome” Reg means “king” “to rule” Dyn means “strength and power”
Prefix The prefix pre- means “before” Examples: Pre- + exist = preexist (to exist before) Pre- + heat = preheat (to heat before)
Suffix The suffix –ible means “able to be” Examples: Digest + -ible = digestible (able to be digested) Flex + -ible = flexible (able to flex or bend)
Dynamic (Root = DYN) Always moving or changing My mom is so dynamic that she can do a million things a day without slowing down.
Dynasty (Root = DYN) Family members who rule an area The prince became the ruler after his mother died, continuing the family dynasty.
Dynamite (Root = DYN) A mixture that explodes Workers used dynamite to help make tunnels through mountains.
Dominate (Root =DOMIN) To force control over something The tallest player was easily able to dominate the other players on the basketball court.
Predominant (Root = DOMIN) Most common In Brazil, the predominant language spoken is Portuguese.
Condominium (Root = DOMIN) An agreement that lets two or more people share space or power. Three families shared the hallway at the condominium.
Regal (Root = REG) Kingly or queenly The regal emperor wore the finest clothes and was followed by many advisors.
Regular (Root = REG) Following an order or pattern Our regular order of classes every morning is reading, math, and then science.
Irregular (Root = REG) Without a set order My dad sends us irregular updates when traveling on business because he cannot always get to his .
Convince (Root = VINC) To make someone believe what you say Tyler tried to convince his parents that he was old enough to take care of a puppy.
Invincible (Root = VINC) Unable to be defeated We thought our baseball team was invincible because we hadn’t lost a game all season.
Victory (Root = VICT) A success or win Kara’s family celebrated her victory at the spelling bee by taking her out to dinner.