Due to King’s cautious policy, Canada had very little say in WW II strategy. ie. Alaska Highway Consultation would lead to commitment. NOTE – Canadian scientists & Canadian uranium played an important role in the develpment of the A-Bomb
Canada – 4 th or 5 th most powerful country in the world. Large air force & navy – booming industry, & undamaged economy. THE FIVE GREAT POWERS U.S.A. – led the world in wealth USSR – led the world in military might China – exhausted but maintained its vast population Britain & France – crippled but remained a leader for historic reasons.
The League of Nations had failed and a new power was needed. June 26, 1945, Fifty nations met to sign the U.N. Charter True political power was needed ; unlike the League of Nations. The U.N. was given three powers it could use. Condemn the aggressor through speeches Economic sanctions Send in armed forces
Power against aggressors will be exercised through a security council of 15 (was 12) The Five Great Powers insisted on permanent membership and the other ten seats are rotated on a two year term. The Five Great Powers also insisted on the right to veto any U.N. action. SUMMARY – The Five Great Powers would have their way. - The security council could only act if all five agreed. PROBLEMS?????
Up to 1955, 75 of 78 vetoes were by the Soviets. The U.N. also pledged to abolish disease, famine, and protect humanitarian rights. CH. 2 Is the U.N. effective today? Give examples?