EDUCATION 9 April 2003 Presentation to Select Committee on Finance by Ronette Engela
Tables 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 EDUCATION Tables 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 –11,9 million learners – teachers – schools R53,1 b combined est exp (2002/03); R58 b budget (2003/04) Largest single component of provincial budgets 36,7% - range 33% (WC) to 40% (Li,Mp) 10,1% growth 1999/00 to 2002/03; 8,3% over MTEF Reach estimated exp in 2005/06 of R67bn
EDUCATION Tables 4.4, 4.5 Public ordinary schools R44,3b (83%) –Primary schools R24,5 billion 2002/03 –Secondary schools R19 billion 2002/03 Average expenditure per learner R4 437 –Range R3 762 (KZN) to R5 805 (NC) Introduction of Early Childhood Development should lower repeater rates
EDUCATION: Personnel (1) Tables 4.6 Labour intensive environment R46 billion personnel exp in 2002/03 86% share of education budgets is personnel costs - range 82% (GT) to 89% (Li,NW) Estimated share in 2005/06 to be 82% Still real budget growth (1,5%), but share steadily declining Pre-1998 unsustainable growth in personnel, now contained
EDUCATION: Personnel (2) Tables 4.10, % of all civil servants in provinces are education personnel – teachers & admin Average teachers salary package R – good entry level Teacher formal qualifications levels high (84% have 3 or 4 years post matric training) Need to focus on retaining teachers maths/science, rural areas Education management (h/r/d & school based) focus for transformation
EDUCATION: Capital Table 4.7 Capital expenditure: R1,8 billion (2002/03) will grow to R3,1 billion (2003/04) Marked improvement in physical infrastructure between 1996 – 2000 surveys Need to improve public service capacity to manage capital expenditure Complexity of addressing backlogs whilst demographic shifts are occurring
EDUCATION: Other (‘npnc’) expenditure Tables 4.8, 4.9, 4.12, Annexure A2.1b Containing growth in personnel exp allows for exp on other resources ‘npnc’ combined exp R6,4 billion;‘npnc’ to schools R3,1 billion - R259 per learner Resource targeting list allows pro-poor spending Calculated per province, problem with disparities LSM (textbooks, stationary) exp of R189 per learner, better, but still low
EDUCATION: outcomes Tables 4.16, 4.17, 4.18, 4.19 Matric pass rates improved substantially 68,9% (2002) 89% NC - 51% EC Yet, only 30% of 18 year old cohort passed exams (2001), high drop-out problems (data problems) Matric endorsements (16,9%) Mathematics HG (7,9%) Science HG (16,2%)
EDUCATION Great improvement on pre 1994 Still need to focus on: –Capacity to spend capex –Financial management of prov education Improvement in resources important, Need to focus on intangibles of education management (NC example)