Knowledge Integration It is too expensive and time consuming to develop definitive research findings for all our forestry knowledge gaps. So we use the best combination of information at the time (research, literature, and operational experience) which will never be perfect. For example when the Free Growing guidelines were first developed, we used information from effects of vegetation on Fd from coastal ecosystems were considered. We are currently working on integrating current knowledge to develop suggested guidance for Fd and Sx. 1
Post Brushing Can the research apply to stands post brushing? Currently reviewing data on growth of sprouts compared to conifer growth. 2
In Summary New suggested guidance for pine in the SBPSxc, IDFdk3, SBSdw1&2 New suggested guidance for pine in the SBPSxc, IDFdk3, SBSdw1&2 Need to expand to extrapolate this knowledge to allow for operational implementation. Need to expand to extrapolate this knowledge to allow for operational implementation (i.e. to other subzones and other species). Need a way of creating guidance that is administratively easy to use – not “one of” changes Need a way of creating guidance that is administratively easy to use – not “one of” changes 3
4 Model Creators! Scott and Janet Zimonick Lost in the Aspen
Administration Issues Here’s Dave! 5