Allusion: Definition A reference in a literary text to a well-known person or place, or to a historical, political, or cultural event. The reference can also be to literary, religious, or mythological text. Allusions are not usually identified, as it is assumed the reader will make the connection.
Allusion: Part of Speech Allusion = noun ex. What allusions do you notice? Allude= verb ex. What does the writer allude to in his work?
“Contrary to rumors I was not born in a manger. I was actually born on Krypton and sent here by my father, Jor-el, to save the planet Earth” A Joking Barack Obama
In your own words… Define allusion Explain why it’s interesting that Bradbury used so many allusions in this book. Can you come up with 1-2 books, songs, poems, movies, television shows or short stories where the writer uses allusion?
A literary term referring to how a person, situation, statement, or circumstance is not as it would actually seem. Many times it is the exact opposite of what it appears to be.
How is this irony?
Define Irony Why is this ironic? It’s a pleasure to burn…
It uses LIKE or AS to make a comparison
Your Turn Pick 5 pages of Fahrenheit 451 and find as many of these as possible. Label them!
Your Turn Pick 5 pages of Fahrenheit 451 and find as many of these as possible. Label them! Create your own!!!!!
Your Turn
Motifs A motif can be seen as an image, sound, action, or other figures that have a symbolic significance and contributes towards the development of theme.
Examples of motif Journey Light / Dark Money Tests of skill or wisdom Beauty / Ugly Separations and reunions Rebirth Prejudice Swords
Why use a motif? It allows us to see main points and themes that the author is trying to express, in order that we might be able to interpret the work more accurately.
Motifs A recurring image, word, phrase, or action that tend to create unity within a literary work. Sometimes the motif helps to create the theme in literature A motif differs from a theme in that it can be expressed as a single word or fragmentary phrase, while a theme usually must be expressed as a complete sentence.
Motif Examples A recurring motif in George Orwell's "1984" is urban decay. Winston Smith's run-down home, London's crumbling buildings, and the overall disintigration of the city all support Orwell's theme of the miserable results of total government control.
Below is a short list of common literary motifs…there are sooo many more! ClothingSeasonsColors DeathSupernatural Adversaries Extraordinary AnimalsWishes Magical ObjectsMagical PowersDeep Sleeps WitchesTrickery Illness Consequences of Greed Flowers/plants Beautiful Princess Foolish or Dimwitted Hero
Why use a motif? It allows us to see main points and themes that the author is trying to express, in order that we might be able to interpret the work more accurately.
Examples of motif Journey Money Tests of skill or wisdom Separations and reunions Rebirth Prejudice Swords