Professional Work Ethics in the Workplace Martha Piear CUR/516 Joan Beckner
. Work ethic is a value based on hard work and diligence. It is also a belief in the moral benefit of work and its ability to enhance character
PHASE I COURSE DESCRIPTION In this course, employees focus on applying appropriate workplace ethics. Employees analyze and identify appropriate communication skills, compare and contrast appropriate conduct, role play real life scenarios, review policy concerning smoking on the premises, and proper usage of internet technology.
Target Audience What make these 4 pictures a violation of workplace ethics?
Delivery Modality and Length of the Training Session This course is a 1 week training session that will be led by an instructor. Each session consists of 16 instructional hours per day. The session will be held in an office type setting. Goals for Training Session Goal 1 Prepare these employees for 21st century professionalism in the workplace that will affect new employees Goal 2 The employee environment become positive for clients and employees
PHASE 2 Defined Goals Upon completion of this training the employees should be able to express professional conduct and communication skills, identify dress code violations, learn the internet policies that this agency prohibits, and learn the policies for smoking. These changes will enhance the work environment in a positive manner and motivate the new employees by observing these employees work ethics.
ABCD FORMAT Given a role-play specific scenario, employees will be able to demonstrate effective active listening skills. Provided with power point presentation, employees will be able to identify proper workplace clothing accuracy with 100% accuracy. Reading specific policies that prohibits smoking on the premises and the misuse of internet policies employees will gain knowledge of policies and act accordingly.
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES AND ACTIVITIES · Identify proper and improper workplace attire by watching proper and improper videos · Perform active learning by role playing scenes in an office setting of proper and improper conduct and communication skills in the workplace · Watch power point presentations on the internet policies and smoking policies. Take a multiple choice test on the policies
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGIES · Smoking and Internet policy manuals · Computer and overhead projector for instructor · Computer for each employee to take the multiple choice test
PHASE 3 Timelines for the actual implementation of instruction and delivery of my instructional plan
AGENDA FOR THE TRAINING SESSION · Day 1 morning session the employees will express their views on what professionalism and proper communication mean to them. · Day 1 afternoon session the employees will watch power point presentations on proper communication skills, and how to work in a professional setting. · Day 2 morning session the employees will watch the overhead projector on the policies concerning smoking on the premises · Day 2 afternoon session the employees will watch the overhead projector on the harmful effect of tobacco products to their body · Day 3 morning session the employees will watch the overhead projector on the internet policies · Day 3 afternoon session the employees will use their computers to explore the areas that can may be loaded with viruses. The will learn the different types of viruses · Day 4 morning session the employees role play the proper way and the improper way to conduct themselves in a workplace setting · Day 4 afternoon session the employees will continue the role play · Day 5 morning session the employees will use their computers to take a 50 question exam on the smoking and internet policies · Day 5 afternoon session will be for anyone who missed any of the sessions Day 1 through Day 5. The instructor will give a brief synopsis of the entire week training.
INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN THE TRAINING SESSION · The facilitator · The employees · Computer technicians
Resources and Materials to Support the Strategies · Room with desks and chairs · Computers · Smoking and Internet policy manuals · Internet Access · Overhead Projector
Details of How the Plan will be Implemented Details of how the plan will be implemented? · How you will communicate the plan 1. · How will you build interest and commitment 1. Will make the participants sign a contract of commitment 2. The training is mandatory for these particular employees · How I will select my participants 1. This selection of employees are required to attend the training
Formative Assessments 1. Accomplishments- from each individual based on what they hope to accomplish in this training and what percentage of people smoke to give the facilitator ideas on how to help the learner 2. Identify strengths and weaknesses- define what type of learner they are so they can identify their strengths and weaknesses 3. Discussion- allow feedback from the learners on what they learned from the training at the end of every session 4. Daily assigned tasks- ask the learners how they plan to incorporate this training in their everyday life 5. Role play- this will allow the instructor to see if they understand what they are being trained on and if not what other sources can be used to help the learner
Phase 4
Identify the Criteria for Goals, Objectives, and Overall Outcomes 1. Communicate with the head manager to and receive feedback on the employee’s performance evaluation 2. Compare and contrast the poor performance for the communication skills and conduct vs. the new affect the training had on the individual employee a. The employee will be monitored for 2 weeks by the department head observing his professional conduct and communication skills. 3. Compare and contrast the poor quality of dress code vs. the new affect the training had on the individual employee a. The employee will be monitored for 2 weeks by the department head observing the employee’s clothing apparel. 4. Compare the old violations of the internet policy vs. the new affect the training had on the individual employee a. The employee will be monitored by the department head for 1 month to ensure that the employee observe the internet policy. 5. Compare the old violations of the smoking policy vs. the new affect the training had on the individual employee a. The employee will be monitored by the department head for 1 month to ensure that the employee observe the smoking policy.
Evaluation Overview · 1. Dress-Code evaluation- The training was 90% successful. 10 employees attended the training and only 9 employees successfully met the criteria. The one employee that did not meet the criteria has a medical problem and has to wear tennis shoes at all times. We asked her to bring a doctor’s excuse stating that she can’t wear any other shoes. The employee brought the excuse from her doctor and we filed it in her personnel file. After she brought the excuse, we deemed the training to be 100% successful. · 2. Professional Conduct and Communication Skills- The training session was 100% successful. 9 employees successfully met the criteria for professional conduct and communication skills. The department manager observed the employees speaking in a normal tone of voice to the customers. The telephone conversations with the customers were pleasant by stating yes ma’am, no sir, and thank you. Each employee was observed respecting their co-worker. The 1 employee that did not successfully meet the criteria is a Hispanic native. We will have to develop a training in the Spanish language. · 3. Smoking Policy- The training session was 90% successful. All 5 employees met the criteria successfully but 1. The employee has personal issue. The employee is a habitual smoker and has opted to receive smoking counseling. As long as he is receiving counseling, we will work with his counselor to determine if he will be able to meet our objectives. · 4. Internet Policy- The training session was 100% successful. The employees took a test on the policy and each employee passed with a passing score. Each employee successfully met the criteria on the internet policy
References Amico, S. (2015). Workplace Values & Ethics. Retrieved from