WePS2 Attribute Extraction Task Sekine and Artiles WWW 2009 Workshop
What are we going to do today? Web people search attribute extraction task overview Brief summary of two teams’ methods
Task Overview
Extract 18 attributes from a webpage
Corpus Training 17 person names Test 30 person names 2,883 web pages 2,421 have at least 1 attribute
CASIANED National Lab of Pattern Recognition (China) Precision: 8.5 Recall: 19
PolyUHK The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 1. Webpage type classification 2. Fragment style identification 3. NER and RDR (relation detection and recognition) Precision: 30.4 Recall: 7.6
PolyUHK The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 1. Webpage type classification 2. Fragment style identification 3. NER and RDR (relation detection and recognition) Precision: 30.4 Recall: 7.6
PolyUHK The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
1. Webpage type classification 2. Fragment style identification 3. NER and RDR (relation detection and recognition) Precision: 30.4 Recall: 7.6
PolyUHK The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
1. Webpage type classification 2. Fragment style identification 3. NER and RDR (relation detection and recognition) Precision: 30.4 Recall: 7.6