The Equal Rights Struggle Expands. Others besides African Americans were fighting for their civil rights. One of these movements was led by a Mexican.


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Presentation transcript:

The Equal Rights Struggle Expands

Others besides African Americans were fighting for their civil rights. One of these movements was led by a Mexican named Cesar Chavez. One of these movements was led by a Mexican named Cesar Chavez. Mexican immigrants were being treated poorly in California (low pay, long hours, etc…) Mexican immigrants were being treated poorly in California (low pay, long hours, etc…) He led a strike and eventually started a union for migrant farm workers. He led a strike and eventually started a union for migrant farm workers.

A group also formed (called La Raza Unida) They pushed for better jobs, better education, and better housing. They pushed for better jobs, better education, and better housing. They also worked to get Mexican Americans elected to political offices. They also worked to get Mexican Americans elected to political offices. They demanded reforms in the school system (better facilities, more Mexican American courses, and more Mexican American teachers. They demanded reforms in the school system (better facilities, more Mexican American courses, and more Mexican American teachers.

One thing that was tough for Hispanics: There are many different cultures that make up “Hispanics” There are many different cultures that make up “Hispanics” They didn’t all want the same things, so it was hard for them to be united on some issues. They didn’t all want the same things, so it was hard for them to be united on some issues. Such as: Mexicans see immigration and citizenship as important. Puerto Ricans are already citizens and don’t care about that as a main issue. Cubans tend to be more politically conservative than other Latino groups. Such as: Mexicans see immigration and citizenship as important. Puerto Ricans are already citizens and don’t care about that as a main issue. Cubans tend to be more politically conservative than other Latino groups.

Native Americans also had a hard time being united in the issues they wanted to protest They did meet in Chicago in 1961 and demanded the “right to choose our own way of life” and “the responsibility of preserving precious heritage.” They did meet in Chicago in 1961 and demanded the “right to choose our own way of life” and “the responsibility of preserving precious heritage.” They also demanded rights for people on reservations and better recognition of tribal laws. They also demanded rights for people on reservations and better recognition of tribal laws. They did force the government to provide them with more federal aid and won some court cases over their lands. They did force the government to provide them with more federal aid and won some court cases over their lands.

And, we can’t forget about women and the Women’s Movement (Right above 25) In the early 60’s, women still had some limited rights In the early 60’s, women still had some limited rights

They… Faced problems signing contracts, selling property, and getting credit. Faced problems signing contracts, selling property, and getting credit. Could lose their job if they became pregnant. Could lose their job if they became pregnant. Were pressured to quit their job if they got married. Were pressured to quit their job if they got married. Roe vs. Wade (1973). Roe vs. Wade (1973).

Betty Friedan (27) helped start the women’s liberation movement She helped to found the National Organization for Women (NOW) (28) who’s major goal was to get women good jobs and equal pay She helped to found the National Organization for Women (NOW) (28) who’s major goal was to get women good jobs and equal pay There’s an extra page in your packets – page 13 – on N.O.W. There’s an extra page in your packets – page 13 – on N.O.W.

Congress also passed the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) (29) (The ERA is on an extra page in your packets – page 12) Said: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United states or any state on account of sex.” Said: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United states or any state on account of sex.” But, it was never passed – not enough states ratified it for it to become an amendment. But, it was never passed – not enough states ratified it for it to become an amendment. (1 more slide)

Two other laws were passed though The Civil Rights Act of 1964 helped all groups of people. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 helped all groups of people. The Higher Education Act of 1972 outlawed discrimination against women The Higher Education Act of 1972 outlawed discrimination against women