building and protecting futures Creating a multi-disciplinary approach across an organisation using change management, leadership and quality models that work Tony Pitman – Chief Executive Officer 1.
building and protecting futures The case for change Our organisational starting point Challenging Established Relationships The results so far Overview 2.
building and protecting futures The mission of OzChild Taking or initiating action to protect or enhance the rights of children Providing or enabling direct services, through a variety of disciplines for the benefit of children and their families; and Influencing decisions or actions of individuals, organisations and governments, when relevant to children and their families OzChild’s mission is to improve the quality of care, life opportunities and status of children by: 3.
building and protecting futures Goals for Change Relating to Child and Family Programs (Holistic approach) Must retain quality programs A child should be able to access wider than programmatic expertise Integration across OzChild of services offered Relating to Staff (Cultural alignment) Retain / develop / share knowledge and skills across services Staff developed / progression – value / retain staff Relating to Organisation (Efficiencies) Support achievement of strategic goals Build / develop organisation foundations Building across organisation strength better overall outcomes for clients Efficiency gains by making connections between programs Develop organisational profile and intellectual capacity Building reputations of OzChild so well positioned for growth Relating to the Community Services Sector (Research and Innovation) To go beyond the practices / theories / networks of the program funding base Research will enable programs to be well informed and advocate for change 4.
building and protecting futures Starting Point: Organisational Culture (2011, 83.2% response rate) 5.
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building and protecting futures Structure Goals. GM. DHS Services. (contracted) New registration & new acts across the 3 major funding streams. GM Educational outreach (F.F.S. New Services) Take existing services to new market places. Respond to new needs. GM Corporate services – Enabling. Assimilate or accommodate. Create & manage consistent processes. 10.
building and protecting futures Starting Point: Silos Goal: Integration CEO General Manager, Services General Manager, Education and Outreach General Manager, Corporate Services CEO Home Based Care Child and Family Services Disability Services Education & Outreach Services Organisational Support HR, Quality and Culture 11.
building and protecting futures Programs and Portfolios Home Based Care Child and Family Services Disability Services Education & Outreach Services Organisational Support HR, Quality and Culture Organisational Portfolios led by Senior Managers Advocacy, Child Development, UN – CROC. Research, Journal, Papers and Conferences Disability Growth & Internal modelling. Service Integration & Service gaps. 12.
building and protecting futures Change Model OzChild Change Schedule based on John Kotter's 8 step process 1. Increase urgency 2. Build the Guiding Team 3. Get the Vision Right 4. Communicate for Buy-in 5. Empowering Action 6. Create short term wins 7. Do Not Let Up 8. Make Change Stick 13.
building and protecting futures Challenging the Leadership Management Relationship ManagementLeadership 14.
building and protecting futures Leadership Development Program LEADERSHIP MANAGEMENT Controls for INNOVATION SUPERVISION Motivation Emotional Intelligence Accountability and direction Creative thinking and problem solving aligned to Mission Reflective Practice 1:1 15.
building and protecting futures Challenging the Quality and Risk Relationship QualityRisk NOT FOR PROFIT SECTOR. Quality INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS. 16.
building and protecting futures Stages of OzChild’s Quality Inspired Service FoundationalExistentialAspirational Includes: Compliance Outputs Management/control model Examples: Internal audit Includes: Continuous improvement of program Outcomes Explore current practice Examples: Program Quality Working Parties Includes: Checks program against purpose and positioning Impact Create alternative practices Programs integrated Examples: Strategic Portfolios Integrated Planning 17.
building and protecting futures Questions Thank-you 18.