GLAST Large Area Telescope Instrument Flight Software Jeff Fisher, FSW Manager Flight Unit Peer Review Overview/Management/Schedule September 16, 2004 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 2 Agenda 08:00-08:40Overview / Mgmt. / ScheduleJeff Fisher 08:40-09:10 Software Architecture JJ Russell 09:10-09:30Requirements Mike DeKlotz 09:30-09:50HousekeepingSergio Maldonado 09:50-10:10 Mode Control, Instrument Safety and DiagnosticsJames Swain 10:10-10:20Break 10:20-10:40 Event Integrity and DeliveryJJ Russell 10:40-11:10 Event Filtering JJ Russell 11:10-11:30Charge Injection CalibrationJames Swain 11:30-12:00GRB Detection and ResponseJJ Russell 12:00-12:10Deadtime Management JJ Russell 12:10-12:40Lunch
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 3 Agenda (cont’d) 12:40-13:00Spacecraft InterfacesSteve Mazzoni 13:00-13:20Thermal ControlSteve Mazzoni 13:20-13:40Primary BootDan Wood 13:40-13:50Secondary BootDan Wood 13:50-14:10Inter-task CommunicationsSergio Maldonado 14:10-14:20LAT Communications Board DriverEd Bacho 14:20-14:30Break 14:30-16:30FSW TestEric Hansen 16:30-17:00Action ItemsJeff Fisher
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 4 Large Area Telescope Y X Anti-Coincidence Detector (ACD) Tracker (16) DAQ Electronics Radiator (2) Calorimeter (16) Z Mass: 3000 kg Instrument Size:180 x 180 x 280 cm (X-Y-Z) Radiator Area:2.83 m^2 each side Science FOV:2 sr, +Z, above I/F plane Mounting:4-point mounting I/F at grid Key LAT Accommodation Requirements: Pointing Knowledge (10 arcsec, 1 -r) Science Data I/F and Peak Rate (40 Mbps LVDS) Operational Power (650 W OAP) Clear Radiator FOV on +/- Y faces from LAT I/F Plane (LIP) to L/V Interface Plane (PAF) Significant Mass Drives Observatory Axial CG
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 5 LAT FSW: Executes on SIU and EPU 3 Event-Processor Units (EPU) (2 + 1 spare) –Event processing CPU –LAT Communication Board –SIB Spacecraft Interface Units (SIU)* –Storage Interface Board (SIB): Spacecraft interface, control & telemetry –LAT control CPU –LAT Communication Board (LCB): LAT command and data interface 16 Tower Electronics Modules & Supplies Power-Distribution Unit (PDU)* –Spacecraft interface, power –LAT power distribution –LAT health monitoring Global-Trigger/ACD-EM/Signal-Distribution Unit* (GASU) TKR CAL FSW is an integral part of the data acquisition (DAQ) subsystem and is managed, budgeted, and scheduled as part of the DAQ subsystem TKR Front-End Electronics (MCM) ACD Front-End Electronics (FREE) CAL Front-End Electronics (AFEE)
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 6 FSW Layer Model Applications Layer Inter-task Communications System (ITC) Service Layer Driver Layer Abstract Communication Layer Command and Telemetry/1553 Service (CTS) LCB Service (LCS) 1553 Driver (CTDB)LCB Driver (LCBD) Housekeeping (LHK) Spacecraft Attitude/Time Thermal Control (LTC) File/Object (LFS) Process Basic Services/VxWorks (PBS) Watchdog (LSW) Instrument Manager (LIM) Instrument Physics (LPA) Charge Injection Calibration (LCI) Diagnostics Framework (LDF) Spacecraft Messages (LSM)
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 7 FSW Development Approach FSW is an integral part of the data acquisition (DAQ) subsystem and is managed, budgeted, and scheduled as part of the DAQ subsystem –> 3 million configuration bits to configure system and to take event data properly –Majority of software is to configure & setup hardware (boot, TKR, CAL, ACD, DAQ trigger, event-builder, sub-system setup, etc) –Rest is filtering, data monitoring, health & safety, telemetry FSW development follows an iterative model –Functionality is developed and tested against available HW –Errors are corrected –Additional functionality is developed and validated against newer hardware
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 8 LAT FSW Build Plan Incremental FSW builds to coincide with the natural hardware builds Major Builds –Formal Builds Issued Approximately Every 2 Weeks Each build includes an increasing number of completed FSW functions/packages Used for EGSE test-stands for hardware development (in progress) Used as test-bed for hardware and software development & test (in progress) Used by I&T to support increasingly complete integration of Flight hardware –Starting with 2 towers and moving to full set of 16 towers in December
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 9 LAT FSW Release Plan Major Releases –ISIS (Instrument Spacecraft Interface Simulator) Build & Release –An integrated FSW and hardware package provided to Spectrum Astro (the Spacecraft manufacturer) to allow Spectrum to conduct integration work –The ISIS FSW supports:1553 command delivery, ancillary/attitude/time tone command processing, boot process and boot commands for SIU, science data interface, all telemetry types, and other functionality –Full LAT Build & Release Complete set of 16 towers, GASU*, full set of CPU’s –Used as test-bed for hardware and software development & test –To be delivered to I&T for full-LAT testing (Formal Release)
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 10 FSW Consumers FSW has three major consumers: –The FSW Team Itself Needs an increasingly complete Testbed on which to perform testing and integration –Spectrum Astro, Inc FSW to support ISIS operation –The Integration and Test Team I&T is producing field test stands for the ACD, CAL, TKR and Data Acquisition subsystems Over the next months, I&T will build up increasingly complex representations of the final system –Multi-tower configurations I&T will also take delivery of the FSW Flight Unit after formal qualification is complete
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 11 FSW Overall Status Team is in place Flight Unit level coding is underway Development, Unit Test, Low-Level Integration During CYQ4 –Builds produced as needed to support I&T SW Test Scripts underway, completion January 2005 –The bulk of the scripts will be completed by CYQ4 –Scripts to test event filtering and GRB detection completed in January Dry runs of qualification tests, and then Formal Qualification Testing (FQT) begin January 2005 FQT period ends 4/30/05
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 12 FSW Resource Usage Current Estimates ResourceTotal AvailableAnticipated Usage Margin Factor EPU Boot EEPROM256 kB100 kB2 SIU Boot EEPROM256 kB100 kB2 EPU EEPROM6 MB1.5 MB4 SIU EEPROM6 MB MB3 EPU CPU cycles200% in 2 EPUs30% 66 SIU CPU cycles100% in 1 SIU25%4 EPU memory128 MB16-32 MB4-8 SIU memory128 MB< 16 MB8 Bandwidth – instrument to EBM45 MB/sec10 MB/sec4.5 Bandwidth – EBM to CPU3 x 20 MB/sec5 MB/sec12 Bandwidth – CPU to EBM3 x 2.5 MB/sec0.075 MB/sec99 Bandwidth – EBM to SSR5 MB/sec0.15 MB/sec33
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 13 FSW Organization Chart **ISIS:Instrument Spacecraft Interface Simulator LAT Project Manager Lowell Klaisner FSW Test Eric Hansen(SW Lead) Igor Kouzmenko(SW) Shantha Condamoor(SW) TBH Electronics&FSW Manager Gunther Haller FSW ManagerJeffrey Fisher FSW Management Support : Terry Schalk FSW Technical Lead: J. J. Russell Test Team Lead Jana Thayer ISISLead Eric Hansen Anthony P.Waite Configuration Manager Software Architectures Kim Lo Tools J.J.Russell Algorithms Steve Mazzoni Thermal Control Watchdog ISIS Release Ed Bacho Driver Development Dan Wood Calibration James Swain LAT Configuration Documentation Rich Morin Mark Arndt Sergio Maldonado Command&Telem Database Front End Simulators Test Executive Don May Boot RAD750Processor ELX Test Erick Delage Philip Hart Suchit Kaul Mark McDougald Amedeo Perazzo C.Ramakrishanan Gregg Thayer : C Interface /S &DHC Owen Saxton Housekeeping...
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 14 Test Status Allocate mission requirements to FSW –198 requirements for FSW have been identified in latest approved SRS LAT Flight Software Test Plan –All requirements are mapped to test procedures –The set of procedures contains scripts that demonstrate the requirements –HW requirements for the test procedures have been identified
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 15 Current Development Status LayerFunctionStatus Demonstration Date OSProcessor Basic Services (PBS, VXW) 100% codedFeb 2004 BootPrimary BootSIU code complete EPU code in process Oct 2004 BootSecondary Boot95% codedOct 2004 DriverLAT Communication Board Driver (LCBD, LCB Driver) 95% codedSept 2004 DriverInstrument Configuration95% codedMar 2004 Service and Driver 1553 Transport (CTS, Command and Telemetry/1553 Service) 80% codedSept 2004 CommCommand Processing (ITC, Inter-task Communications) 50% codedJuly 2004 N/ACommand and Telemetry Data DictionaryLCAT tool complete C&T definitions in process Dec 2004 AppsFile and Memory Mgmt (LFS, File/Object) 50% codedNov 2004 AppsHousekeeping (LHK, Housekeeping) 85% codedJune 2004
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 16 Current Development Status (cont’d) LayerFunctionStatusDemonstration Date AppsThermal Control (LTC, Thermal Control) 70% codedDec 2004 AppsSpacecraft Interfaces (Attitude/Time, Ancillary, Discrete Control) Coding begins Oct 2004 Nov 2004 AppsWatchdog70% codedDec 2004 AppsMode ControlCoding begins Oct 2004 Dec 2004 AppsPower/Initialize GASU50% codedOct 2004 AppsDiagnostics Framework20% codedDec 2004 AppsCharge Injection CalibrationCoding begins Oct 2004 Dec 2004 AppsEvent Integrity and Delivery50% codedJan 2005 AppsEvent Filtering70% codedJan 2005 AppsGRB Detection and Response50% codedJan 2005
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 17 Detailed Schedule Going Forward LayerFunctionCode/Unit Testing Complete First Formal Build OSProcessor Basic Services (PBS, VXW) Complete BootPrimary Boot10/30/0411/01/04 BootSecondary Boot10/30/0411/01/04 DriverLAT Communication Board Driver (LCBD, LCB Driver) 12/15/041/05/05 DriverInstrument Configuration12/01/0412/05/05 Service and Driver 1553 Transport (CTS, Command and Telemetry/1553 Service) 11/30/0412/05/04 CommCommand Processing (ITC, Inter-task Communications) 10/30/0411/05/04 N/ACommand and Telemetry Data Dictionary1/10/051/12/05 AppsFile and Memory Mgmt (LFS, File/Object) 11/30/0412/05/04 AppsHousekeeping (LHK, Housekeeping) 10/15/0410/30/04
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 18 Detailed Schedule Going Forward (cont’d) LayerFunctionCode/Unit Testing Complete First Formal Build AppsThermal Control (LTC, Thermal Control) 12/01/0412/05/04 AppsSpacecraft Interfaces (Attitude/Time, Ancillary, Discrete Control) 11/15/0412/05/04 AppsWatchdog11/15/0412/05/04 AppsMode Control11/15/0412/05/04 AppsPower/Initialize GASU11/15/0412/05/04 AppsDiagnostics Framework11/15/0412/05/04 AppsCharge Injection Calibration12/15/041/05/05 AppsEvent Integrity and Delivery1/05/051/12/05 AppsEvent Filtering1/05/051/12/05 AppsGRB Detection and Response1/05/051/12/05
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 19 Contract Data Requirements List Items 1) Telemetry and Command Handbook –Automated system for generating HTML and PDF in place. See FSW Web site. Complete March 1.FSW Web site 2) Software Management Plan –Current approved version, LAT-MD ) Software Requirements Specification –Current approved version, LAT-SS ) Software Design Document –Begin work October Complete March 1, ) Flight Software User and Maintenance Manual –Work begins November Complete March 1, ) Version Description Document –Begin work on Flight Unit version January Complete May 15, 2005.
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 20 FSW Develop and Test Schedule Through FQT Develop Test Dry Run FQT Code Integrate Test Plan Procedures FSW Candidate Release Functional Testing TRR PQTR Sept 04 Oct 04 Nov 04Dec 04 Jan 05 Feb 05Mar 05Apr 05May 05
16 September 2004 Flight Unit Peer Review 21 Keys to FSW Success Development resources –Currently staffed –Cannot afford any reduction in current staffing Stable Requirements –Forward progress assumes that full set of requirements has been identified Also assumes no substantial revisions will be made Testbed availability –Need sufficient time on Testbed –Need Testbed stability Testing resources –Key is to get new hires up to speed