Something that has bothered me in the last week. Freewriting
English 2 Intermediate: Class 21 Richard Wilson
Agenda 1. Registration 2. Class work Review– Organising an opinion paragraph 3. Writing the first draft 4. Peer Editing
Class work Review Pg
1. Should athletes or sports teams accept money from corporate sponsors in order to be successful? Discuss one or more specific sports in your paragraph. 2. Should children in Korea be pushed as hard as they often are by their parents in order to succeed? Give examples to support your answer. Opinion Paragraph
First Draft
Use lined paper. Write clearly. Remember to double- space. First Draft
Writing Skills Peer Editing
3 Steps of Peer Editing 1. Praise 2. Suggestions 3. Corrections
+Add a wordI want go out tonight. -Omit a wordMy mother told me to go to home early. WFWord FormMy girlfriend is a beauty girl. WCWord ChoiceMy book is in the table. WOWord OrderShe every day goes to Starbucks coffee. VTVerb TenseI wake up at 6 o’clock yesterday morning. PLSingular-pluralI am 24 year old. SPSpellingTheir is a new club in Itaewon. PPunctuationDid you text me. CCapitalisationWriting in english is easy. AArticleI’d like cup of coffee. ISIncomplete SentenceI fell asleep. Because I was tired. RORun-onMy car is out of gas we cannot reach town before dark. /Words are too closeI have atest tomorrow at 3:00. SVASubject-verb agreementI eats breakfast every morning before school. ?I don’t understandSmartphone on subway in my pocket come of bus stop.
the second draft. Type the second draft. Due next Monday. Also: Read: Pg ‘A Question of Numbers’ Answer: Previewing, Main Ideas & Details Questions Due: Wednesday Homework