Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust FOUNDATION TRUST ITEM 3 Herts Partnership Foundation Trust Presentation
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust WHAT IS A FOUNDATION TRUST? New kind of organisation Local people have a real say in developing and running services Modelled on Co-ops and mutuals (like building societies)
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust FOUNDATION TRUST All Trusts preparing to be ready to be Foundation Trusts by 2008.
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust HERTFORDSHIRE PARTNERSHIP NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Established 1 August 2007 Provides Health – N.H.S – services to the people of Hertfordshire, covering: Mental Health Services Specialist Learning Disabilities Services Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services Specialist Mental Health Services for Older People Forensic Services
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust WHY BE A FOUNDATION TRUST? Involvement of community Involvement of staff Independence 3 year contracts Improve stability Financial advantages
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Local Partnerships Part of local health economy Local agreed strategies for services Stronger links with local community Stronger links with key local stakeholders
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust HOW DOES IT WORK Members 5000 Board of Governors - 38 Board of Directors - Executive and Non-executive Directors
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust FOUNDATION TRUST Membership: - Staff - Public - Service users - Carers
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Involvement Members: Receive regular information Are able to stand for election to the Board of Governors Will be consulted on provision of services and use of money Give their views on relevant issues Get involved in focus groups
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust BOARD OF GOVERNORS 5 staff – elected by staff 20 elected public members 13 nominated: 2 PCT 3 Local Authorities (2 HCC & 1 DC) 1 University of Hertfordshire 7 Partnership Governors: - Reps of key voluntary organisations - Education & Training - Local business - Employment and housing
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust FOUNDATION TRUST Role of Governors Advise Trust on strategy Work with Board of Directors Appoint Chair and Non-executive directors Approve the appointment of the Chief Executive Represent the members Appointment of External Auditors
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust FINANCE Say in use of money / priorities 3 year contracts (within 5 year business plan) More notice of change Able to retain surpluses Able to invest surpluses
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust FINANCE Plan capital renewals Can borrow money Can generate income
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust COMPETITION In competition with: - Private organisations - Voluntary organisations - Other Trusts On: - Cost - Quality - Outcomes
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Thank you Any questions?