Square Root The square root of a nonnegative number is a number that, when multiplied by itself, is equal to that nonnegative number. Square roots have positive and negative solutions. The symbol represents a square root. Taking the square root of a number is the opposite, or inverse, of squaring the number.
Solving Square Roots
Cube Root To find the cube root of a number, find the number that, when multiplied by itself two times (a total of three factors), is equal to that number. The symbol represents a cube root. Taking the cube root of a number is the opposite, or inverse, of cubing a number (raising a number to the third power).
Solving Cube Roots
Practice Problem 1 SOLUTION
Practice Problem 2 SOLUTION
Practice Problem 3 SOLUTION
Additional Practice
Your Task… On a sheet of poster paper… Group #1: Define a rational number. Provide at least 4 examples. Group #2: Define an irrational number. Provide at least 4 examples. Group #3: Define the square root of a number. Be sure to define perfect square, and compare and contrast between a square root and a square. Provide at least 4 examples. Group #4: Define the cube root of a number. Be sure to define perfect cube, and compare and contrast between a cube root and a cube. Provide at least 4 examples. **Do a rough draft on a sheet of notebook paper first. Once I have approved that your information is accurate, you can write it on the poster.**