What Are You Building? The end product is a set of web pages: a separate set for each course or module. Web pages for faculty wanting to use the course/module that explain What to do Why to do it How to do it effectively Web pages for students that support the course/module Reading Data sets Anything else needed to support the activities of the module/course All freely available.
How Do You Build It? You’ll build it using the SERC Content Management System (CMS) which is web-based There is documentation and support from your webteam liaison. Ask them “what’s the best way to do…?” There are a set of templates and an example ‘Fake’ module and course that will guide you to a product that is in the correct structure to pass the rubric.
How Do You Start? There are mostly empty spaces set up for each team. These spaces: – are private – will gain additional templated pages during the week – Are where you should drafts things and record work in progress Find your checkpoint 1 workpage, click the red Edit link, click the text, click Save.