What Are You Building? The end product is a set of web pages: a separate set for each module. Web pages for faculty wanting to use the module that explain What to do Why to do it How to do it effectively Web pages for students that support the module Reading Data sets Anything else needed to support the activities of the module All freely available.
How Do You Build It? You’ll build it using the SERC Content Management System (CMS) which is web-based There is documentation and support from your primary project facilitator and webteam liaison. Ask them “what’s the best way to do…?” There are a set of templates and documentation that will guide you to a product that is in the correct structure to pass the rubric.
How Do You Start? There are mostly empty spaces set up for each team. These spaces: – are private – will gain additional templated pages during the week – Are where you should drafts things and record work in progress Find your checkpoint 1 workpage, click the red Edit link, click the text, click Save.