CPSC 581 Human Computer Interaction II Interaction Design
Your Hosts Saul Greenberg & Nic Marquardt human computer interaction ubiquitous comuting computer supported cooperative work with help from various others
Your Hosts contact information or MS 680 – Interactions Laboratory office hours by appointment: o to arrange one usually one hour before class by any time drop in for urgent requests obut no guarantees!
Course Description Advanced topics and applications in HCI emphasis on developing design skills for highly interactive human-computer interfaces
Course Description Advanced topics and applications in HCI emphasis on developing design skills for highly interactive human-computer interfaces work within research GUI topics challenge you to search for creative interaction design
Course Description Advanced topics and applications in HCI emphasis on developing design skills for highly interactive human-computer interfaces likely topics selected from: novel input devices single display groupware physical user interfaces… other things you will learn sketching and portfolio methods C# / WPF / Visual Studio
Course Description Advanced topics and applications in HCI emphasis on developing design skills for highly interactive human-computer interfaces incorporate ‘best practices’ of interface design into your everyday skills creativity via applied exercises idea brainstorming via visual sketches sketch and prototype development implementation portfolio summaries critical analysis of interface designs
How you will be evaluated projects and exercises- 80% 3 major projects and many sketching exercises sketchbook - 10% progressive descriptions of visual ideas habitual use – quantity! portfolio - 10% learning and professional portfolios professional-looking visual summaries of designs archives of code and supporting documents summary of accomplishments. participation class discussions and critiques presentations of own work
How you will be evaluated projects and exercises- 80% 3 major projects osketches oimplementations odemonstrations oportfolio Series of sketching exercises oreplicate sketching method oapply sketching method
Structure merged class and labs lectures in-class practicum on exercises on-going design critiques oby myself othe TA oclass members ‘spontaneous’ sketch-based design exercises
Resources & materials course site lecture materials slides and readings your supplies Sketching User Experiences, Bill Buxton (2007, Morgan Kaufmann) sketchbook portfolio materials prototyping supplies optional C# / WPF manuals your choice.
You are a Designer, not a Technician Sketchbook carry one constantly collect / generate / develop a multitude of ideas Tools see what is out there your media choice affects what you create Aesthetics they matter – being a ‘dweeb’ is no excuse Critique challenge all designs you see present yours – don’t be shy! Portfolio collect your works be proud