Cervical Radiculopathy Kyle Christakos, David Cohee, Wade Dowling, Paul James, Levi Street, Stanton Urling
Pathophysiology Cervical radiculopathy is a neurological condition characterized by dysfunction of a cervical spinal nerve, the roots of the nerve, or both. Nerve root compression does not always lead to pain, unless dorsal-root ganglion is also compressed. Hypoxia of nerve root and dorsal-root ganglion can aggravate effect of compression. Inflammatory mediators released by cervical herniated intervertebral disks: Matrix metalloproteinases Prostaglandin E 2 Interleukin-6 Nitric oxide
Causes Most common cause (70 – 75%) is foraminal encroachment of spinal nerve due to a combination of factors such as: Decreased disc height Degenerative changes of uncovertebral joints anteriorly Zygapophysial joint posteriorly Herniation of nucleus pulposus Tumors of spine Infection
Signs and Symptoms Pain in the neck and one arm with a combination of: Sensory loss Loss of motor function Reflex changes in affected nerve-root distribution Burning, tingling, or both in a dermatomal distribution
Tests and Measures Spurling’s Test Upper Limb Tension Test – 1 (ULTT-1) Sensory Testing Light touch/pain/kinesthsia MMT DTR’s
How to Proceed If patient presents with or has recent medical history of the following, than refer out to physician immediately: Fever Chills Unexplained weight loss Unremitting night pain Immunosupresion IV drug use If patient does not have any of the previously mentioned symptoms, than treat impairments and continue to monitor.
References Carette, Simon,M.D., M.Phil, Fehlings, Michael G,M.D., PhD. Cervical radiculopathy. N Engl J Med. 2005;353(4):