CLIC Workshop 2008 TBTS status. PETS testing program and installation status. Igor Syratchev & Germana Riddone for the CLIC team
CLIC Workshop 2008 PETS testing strategies PETS testing in “waveguide mode” (SLAC)PETS power production from the drive beam (CERN) Drive beam RF power RF high power source RF power out RF power in Objective: to demonstrate the reliable production of the nominal CLIC RF power level throughout the deceleration of the drive beam. Objective: to understand the limiting factors for the PETS ultimate performance. Access to the very high power levels (300 MW) and nominal CLIC pulse length. High repetition rate – 60 Hz.
CLIC Workshop GHz PETS testing at CLEX Operation mode#1#2#3CLIC Current, A< Pulse length, ns140<240< Bunch Frequency, GHz12 3 PETS power (12 GHz), MW< DBA CRDL TBTS CLEX CTF3 CTF2 #1 #2 #3 Different scenarios of the drive beam generation in the CTF3 To compensate for the lack of current, the active TBTS PETS length was significantly increased: from the original m to 1 m. In order to demonstrate the nominal CLIC power level and pulse length, it was decided to implement a different PETS configuration – PETS with external re-circulation. Variable Splitter (coupling: 0 1) Variable phase shifter To the Load PETS output Drive beam PETS inputRound trip efficiency: 75% Round trip delay: 22 ns <30A 14 A 4 A 3.5 A 4.0 A 5.0 A 6.0 A 240 ns CLIC nominal CLIC nominal Expected PETS power production with re-circulation. The calculation followed the measured performance of all the components
CLIC Workshop 2008 Phase PETS bars fabricated at VDL - assembly on girder at CERN (successful assembly procedure) - PETS bars fabricated at VDL - assembly on girder at CERN (successful assembly procedure) The PETS only Target: RF power generation
CLIC Workshop GHz TBTS PETS final assembly TBTS PETS RF Measurement results after final assembly Ohmic efficiency budget: Assuming theoretical losses in the PETS regular part, the power coupler ohmic efficiency is (cf HFSS results – 0.99). Group delay: Measured: Coupler-to-coupler, D C = 2.0 ns The whole PETS D P = ns Active length: D p -D C = 7.47 ns Calculated: D=L active /( C) = 1.015/(0.459*C)= 7.35 ns
CLIC Workshop 2008 Sliding antenna raw data Sliding antenna measurements (F= GHz) 01 August MHz+5 MHz+10 MHz -5 MHz -10 MHz -30 MHz The S21 vector readings measured during the antenna movement. Antenna (loop) is positioned at the centre of one of the eight slot. The distance between the edge of antenna and the slot opening is ~ 0.5 mm. Coupling: -50 dB
CLIC Workshop F, MHz φ/cell Reconstructed ‘local’ dispersion curve Raw data (example) The phase at the position of each of the measured local peak The interleaved (all cells) phase slope local peak Amplitude Readings number Cell number The phase slope linear fit: The phase advance per cell now can be calculated as: φ cell = 90 - φ; - 30 MHz Phase, degrees The measured synchronous frequency of the TBTS PETS is GHz at air and 25 0 C (9 MHz lower the nominal one) Speed of light line PETS detuning MHz Power, norm For the measured TBTS PETS detuning (9 MHz), the power production efficiency of 99.6% is expected. Sliding antenna results
CLIC Workshop 2008 Phase 1 - Tank 1.Tank designed at CERN and manufactured in Pakistan NCP Islamabad (two units) 2.Leak tightness test at CERN 3.PETS assembly with girder slided inside tank 4.Tank with PETS transported to CLEX 1.Tank designed at CERN and manufactured in Pakistan NCP Islamabad (two units) 2.Leak tightness test at CERN 3.PETS assembly with girder slided inside tank 4.Tank with PETS transported to CLEX
CLIC Workshop 2008 Phase 1 - CLEX 9
CLIC Workshop 2008 Picture of the day ( )