Abba The intimate, familiar Aramaic word for “father”
Apostle Literally, “one who is sent”; often applied to the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus
Catholic Epistles James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude
Glossolalia Literally, “speaking in tongues”: regarded by Paul (1 Corinthians 14) and Luke (Acts 2) as spiritual gifts
Justification The means by which God realigns people into right relationship with God
Midrash The form or product of biblical interpretation carried out in rabbinic Judaism
Paraclete A helper, comforter, or mediator; used in John’s Gospel to characterize the Holy Spirit
Q A hypothetical source, comprising sayings of Jesus, presumably used by both Matthew and Luke
Septuagint The Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible for diaspora Jews, originating in the third century B.C.E.
Soteriology Discourse about salvation; in the New Testament, with reference to the activity of God, Christ, or the Holy Spirit
Synoptic Problem The problem of understanding the similarities and differences among the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke
Torah The Hebrew term referring to teaching or law revealed by God