My Hip-Hop magazine will be aimed at a mass audience because I feel like Hip-Hop Is such a well know genre of music that looking by the population of people who read Hip- Hop means that published by the right company my Hip-Hop magazine could be high up in the charts of fast selling magazines. A mass audience is more pressure than a niche audience I feel that people Hip-Hop is so massive in today’s 21 st modern day era that a Mass audience would be more appropriate for my Hip-Hop magazine, also I feel it is well suited for my magazine also.
Bauer Media Group is a multinational media company which operates in 16 countries worldwide. The country was founded in 1875, and since then it has been privately owned and under direct management by the Bauer Family. Bauer produces around 38 million magazines a week including top selling magazine; Q and KERRANG! Bauer Media Company is an extremely large and would be an ideal choice for my Hip-Hop music magazine. Bauer publishes some of the most famous leading music magazines of all times. Furthermore, because of this, Bauer demonstrates organisation, which helps the music magazine sell. However, my genre of music is not one of the genres in which Bauer publishes for. I feel there is room for my magazine in the Bauer distribution and I believe that because most people who are into music know who Bauer are, they are more likely too pick the magazine, rather than my music magazine being published by BBC a publishing company I have decided not to go for because it is not that well know, however brilliant for less well know genres like county for instance. Bauer clearly know the content in which a music magazine must contain, and they know there target audience for their existing magazines and would also know my target audience for Hip-Hop. Finally they would know have yo market my genre probably too.
The main magazine Bauer publish for is the rock magazine 'KERRANG!'. Rock is completely different to my genre of music which is Hip-Hop and therefore I think Bauer may have a significant increase of readers, if they allowed themselves to publish Hip-Hop magazines. Bauer also publishes for; Q MOJO KERRANG! Bauer is defiantly the most successful music publisher.
There are a lot of places which magazines can be sold from corner shops to England’s biggest supermarkets/ WH Smiths. I ideally I would like my magazine to be sold in a supermarket, however I do understand that this means there will be competition between a lot of music magazines, unlike if I was apply my magazine in a corner shop, however I don’t feel like a lot of my target audience will feel like my issue will be in a corner shop rather than a supermarket or WH Smiths because Hip-Hop is a big genre and therefore my magazine needs to compete against all the other Hip-Hop magazines on the same shelf as mine. Either of these shops would be ideal and a great place to apply each week of my issues there, even though both shops already sell a lot of music magazines. Finally, both shops are popular for different reasons. Supermarkets are for collecting and gathering your daily shop and therefore people may go and have a look at the magazines and WH Smith is know already for its massive collection of books and magazines and therefore I feel like my music magazine would also fit in there as well as a supermarket.